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mass diffusion

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Old   January 22, 2006, 10:38
Default mass diffusion
Posts: n/a
Hello all,

my question: were in CFX do I declare mass diffusion coefficients ? I searched the manuals, found Kinematic Diffusivity, but I am not able to find the place, in graphical user interface menus, were to specify value for a given media combination ?

Thanks for directions, CN
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Old   January 27, 2006, 18:18
Default Re: mass diffusion
Posts: n/a
The kinematic diffusivity IS the binary diffusion coefficient for one species (AV or mass fraction) through another (the background fluid).

If you have more than one component, these are very difficult to determine. However, if the flow is turbulent, it won't matter anyway because the turbulent diffusivity will overwhelm the kinematic diffusivity. Just set them all to something like 1.0E-6.

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Old   February 3, 2006, 12:31
Default Re: mass diffusion
Posts: n/a
Hello Jeff,

first thanks!

You write:

'..If you have more than one component, these are very difficult to determine..'

is it difficult, but determination can be explained? If can, please feel free to indicate were detail can be found:

in CFX help docu (i am not aware of that) or auxilliary CFX docs (not aware of these as such yet), on a dedicated webspace/user forum run by CFX themselfs?

Did you exercise determination of b.coeffs with success. Would you mind outline how it's being down?

amongst the issues: is CFX taking care of the set of b.coeffs ok internally [each 2x distinct species a b.coeff] [by using fickian laws & add. relevant relations]? As the b.coeffs need be considered in context of interaction of participating media, intending multi component setup, not additional variables or evtl other ways to model tracing of spurious contend, like path marker media.

Greetings, CN
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Old   February 3, 2006, 16:01
Default Re: mass diffusion
Posts: n/a
Dear CN,

I imagine you are using multicomponent material, and you are interested in the molecular diffusion between species. ANSYS CFX uses the dilute approximation, i.e. there is a major presence of one of the species and the diffusion can be modeled as the diffusion of a given species into the "fluid" as whole.

This approximation is good for turbulent flows since the "turbulent mass flux term" dominates and the molecular contribution are either neglected or approximated as above..

For laminar flows, the above is not true, and you may need the calculation of the D_ij coefficients and add the proper terms into the species transport equations.. This is not supported in ANSYS CFX out of the box... Perhaps, someone has already tried via UserFortran.. Have you contacted you help desk?

Good luck, Opaque..
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Old   February 6, 2006, 12:01
Default Re: mass diffusion
Posts: n/a

the scope is, to determine mass fraction of each gas in the mixture at positions along flow chanel.

Basically a bulk fluid (background fluid as Jeff put it) receives (by way of > 1 side inlet pipes, 1x per each polutant gas) additional minor gas instreams, which are mixed into the main stream (w/o reaction modeling) with chanel containing a grillage to enhance mixing, further upstream.

As I understand, m.diffusion coeffs are less relevant here if, as you and Jeff noted (and Help Desk as well) turbolent diffusity dominates.

But if CFX models dilute only (not mentioned by Help Desk, perhaps I didn't 'capture' that) - do I get mass(or %volumetric)fractions= f(position) as a output quantity? this is required.

Thanks, CN
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