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Is it possible to halve the mesh

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Old   September 16, 2019, 08:45
Default Is it possible to halve the mesh
Senior Member
Sasan Ghomi
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Denmark
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Dear Friends,

I am simulating the fluid flow inside an electrical generator (End-Winding Region). This is a conjugate heat transfer. The most problematic point is the mesh generation process for the solid part. (It includes many conductors which are attached to the insulation parts.)
The bright side of the story is that the solid parts can be patterned and in other words, the mesh can be generated for just one part of the solid and the generated mesh can be patterned easily. However, I cannot go through a 360-Degree simulation because the number of cells becomes so high and running the simulation becomes impossible. In fact, the simulation (because of the symmetry and periodicity) can be done with the help of a 180-degree model. Also, the mesh generation process for the solid part for a 180-degree model is time-consuming and I cannot benefit from the patterning technique.
One solution in my mind is that I can generate the mesh for a 360-degree model in the solid part, however the fluid is a 180-degree model (It would be possible in terms of the number of cells). So, a 360-degree model for the solid part meets a 180-degree model for the fluid part.
My Question is that;
Is it possible to map the temperature of the half of solid (on the interface between Solid & Fluid) which has an interface with the fluid part onto the part of solid which has no fluid to dissipate the energy?
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