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Moving boundary tutorials needed by newbie!

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Old   January 17, 2006, 11:05
Default Moving boundary tutorials needed by newbie!
Sebastián Arboleda
Posts: n/a

First let me say that I am a complete newcomer to ANSYS. My boss would like to perform a CFD simulation of the flow of dental cement using ANSYS but I haven't been able to get started with it. I need to learn more about ANSYS CFD simulations, but it has been very hard to get some online tutorials/walkthroughs about it.

So, the question is: Can anyone point me out any good books or online tutorials to learn how to use ANSYS CFD/CFX better? I specifically need to set up a simulation with a moving boundary... I have Googled and googled for days on end but can't seem to get're my last hope! The tutorials in the ANSYS help file are tough for me to crack, since they are written up in ansys code and I, being the newbie that I am, can't understand much of it.

Thank you!

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