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Rotating Monitor Point (time dependant)

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Old   March 28, 2019, 07:54
Default Rotating Monitor Point (time dependant)
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urosgrivc is on a distinguished road

I want to monitor the Temperature in a monitor point. This point must be rotating around an axis.
This rotation is time-dependent and the mesh is stationary as only solid motion is enabled.
The problem is that when I input expression into monitor point as a ˝Position Theta comp.˝
the following Error occurs:

Parameter 'Position Theta Component' in object '/FLOW:Flow Analysis 1/OUTPUT CONTROL/MONITOR OBJECTS/MONITOR POINT:TOCKA' is not allowed to be assigned an expression value that depends on variables. It must be assigned a numeric value, or an expression that resolves to a constant value.

Figure explains everything:

I would like to get the temperature of this point as it would represent some kind of a ˝temperature in the stationary frame˝
Is there a way to somehow bypass this time-dependent problem

I can't do it in Post as I have about 60thousand timesteps but only export data on every few hundred

I am confused as this expression does resolve to a constant value (just that t=time) but time is a known value
Can I somehow put something else in the expression instead of time

Thank You
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Old   March 28, 2019, 08:47
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Join Date: Jun 2009
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Opaque will become famous soon enough
Unfortunately, the specified location for monitor points does not support expressions that do not resolve to a constant.

However, you should be able to do this in CFD-Post.

Create a monitor point, say named MP1 at the initial location you want.

On the Outline tree, right click on the MP1 icon,
Select Edit in Command Editor
Once the editor is open for MP1, find the location of the point

Point = <number1> , <number2> , <number3>

Then, replace the <number> sections by the expression you want. NOTE: the expressions are for the Cartesian coordinates, so you must express your location in Cartesian

Point = MyX, MyY, MyZ

recall the expression must have "length" dimensions.

Post-process as usual, and do not try to edit the point in the UI from here on since the UI does not support expression for the point locations.
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