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Edges invisible, vertices still there

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Old   July 19, 2005, 10:45
Default Edges invisible, vertices still there
Posts: n/a
I´m creating a Hexa-mesh (not my first)and the following happend: I quit the hexa-mesher (after saving my blocking) to draw a new curve in ICEM because an edge has to be projected onto this new curve. After this drawing I return back to the hexa-mesher and all edges were gone (or invisible)and also the Blocks, but the faces and the vertices I can still switch on and off an they are in there correct places. Then I opened an older blocking and there was still the same problem. Then I started a new blocking, and there the edges were visible and I can switch them on and off. After a while I had to draw again a curve. Everything was normal. After a day of working I had to draw again a curve. and the problem came back, so if you could help me I will be very greatful to you. Thank you Carlos
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