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ERROR #002100080 has occurred in subroutine CHECK_NORMV.

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Old   October 21, 2018, 14:05
Unhappy ERROR #002100080 has occurred in subroutine CHECK_NORMV.
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wkas is on a distinguished road
I'm doing a simulation in a radial turbomachine and I'm getting the following error but I can't find how to solve it. The message from the solver is:

ERROR #002100080 has occurred in subroutine CHECK_NORMV. |
| Message: |
| The specified velocity vector on the boundary patch |
| |
| |
| has a significant normal component at one or more faces. One of |
| these face locations is |
| |
| (x,y,z) = ( 3.51842E-02, 1.16276E-02,-9.00251E-02). |
| |
| The angle between the specified velocity and the element surface is|
| 28.124 degrees at this face. This is considered an error because |
| it implies that the mesh is moving. The following are possible |
| reasons for the error message: |
| 1. There is a setup error; for example, an incorrect axis of |
| rotation. |
| 2. There may be a meshing problem; for example, the nodes on a |
| rotating surface might not lie on the surface of revolution. |
| 3. The boundary is curved and the mesh is very coarse. In this |
| case, you may modify the tolerance by increasing the |
| expert parameter 'tangential vector tolerance wall' |
| from its default of 20 degrees.

Can anyone help me?

Thank you in advance
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Old   October 21, 2018, 16:24
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Well, did you check if any of the 3 reasons mentioned applies to the setup of your case?
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Old   October 22, 2018, 06:57
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Some days ago I got the same error due to incorrect axis of rotation definition of my impeller (as the message says at point one). check it carefully.
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Old   March 4, 2019, 18:46
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Shubham Jain
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I am also facing the same issue. I am performing a transient analysis (decelerating motion of a brake rotor). My model setup includes a rotating solid rotor, rotating fluid domain and a stationary fluid domain. The angular velocity for the rotor and the fluid domain is kept the same and I am running the simulation in steady state first. I have attached the screenshot of the model set up for further reference.

I have checked for all the three possible reasons, the face location specified below. Also, please find the attached output file to this message.

| ERROR #002100080 has occurred in subroutine CHECK_NORMV. |
| Message: |
| The specified velocity vector on the boundary patch |
| |
| Rotor rotating air Side 1 |
| |
| has a significant normal component at one or more faces. One of |
| these face locations is |
| |
| (x,y,z) = ( 3.88167E-02, 9.43948E-02,-9.40496E-03). |
| |
| The angle between the specified velocity and the element surface is|
| 88.810 degrees at this face. This is considered an error because |
| it implies that the mesh is moving. The following are possible |
| reasons for the error message: |
| 1. There is a setup error; for example, an incorrect axis of |
| rotation. |
| 2. There may be a meshing problem; for example, the nodes on a |
| rotating surface might not lie on the surface of revolution. |
| 3. The boundary is curved and the mesh is very coarse. In this |
| case, you may modify the tolerance by increasing the |
| expert parameter 'tangential vector tolerance wall' |
| from its default of 20 degrees. |

Thanks in advance!
Attached Images
File Type: jpg Error location.jpg (131.7 KB, 58 views)
File Type: png Model setup.PNG (32.0 KB, 59 views)
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Old   March 4, 2019, 19:49
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To quote the error message:

The angle between the specified velocity and the element surface is|
| 88.810 degrees at this face. This is considered an error because |
| it implies that the mesh is moving.
That is pretty clear, isn't it? Your interface titled "Rotor rotating air Side 1" has a non-tangential motion.
Note: I do not answer CFD questions by PM. CFD questions should be posted on the forum.
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Old   November 4, 2020, 03:14
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Hi everybody,

I faced with the same Error. The problem was wrong Rotation axis at shroud. In fact I defined different Rotation axis in Rotor Domain in comparision with shroud boundary.
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