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Isomeshing in CFX 5.6

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Old   July 16, 2004, 08:50
Default Isomeshing in CFX 5.6
Ram P
Posts: n/a
I have imported two-quarter cylinders in parasolid form into CFX 5.6 (Semi Cylinder, divided into two along the axis). At the common rectangular interface, we have two areas. I am trying to use Paving and ISO meshing. I made two groups of two solid quarter cylinders. I have given different mesh seeds for various faces, including the common rectangular interface areas. Surface mesh works fine. When I want to write a GTM file, I get errors. CFX is not able to mesh the two volumes separately. What is it that I am doing wrong? Would anyone be able to guide me? I am new to CFX.
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Old   July 18, 2004, 12:28
Default Re: Isomeshing in CFX 5.6
Posts: n/a
It seems what you are attempting is a mis-matched grid between the two quarter cylinders. If this is the case, mesh them each separately (in separate gtm files) and then import them both into CFX-Pre, applying a GGI interface between the adjoining faces.

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Old   July 19, 2004, 02:29
Default Re: Isomeshing in CFX 5.6
Ram P
Posts: n/a

You are quite right. I am attempting the same. The case I just described is a simple one. I have many such volumnes, which shall create this problem. Creating individual GTM files shall be a cumbersome process. Is there anyway I can bypass this using any other mapping option.

I would very much appreciate if you can kindly guide me in this?

Ram P
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Old   July 19, 2004, 21:19
Default Re: Isomeshing in CFX 5.6
Posts: n/a
Build had trouble doing this kind of thing historically. If the nodes on adjoining faces "happen" to be within the tolerance, they get equivalenced, even at just a few locations.

I'd still go with separate files. You can script Build as well as CFX-Pre. If you stick to a decent naming convention, perhaps you can automate the whole thing.

Is it really necessary that the grids don't match? Can you simply create subdomains and allow the grids to match?

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