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Improving results on particle tracking

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Old   May 3, 2018, 11:25
Default Improving results on particle tracking
Suman Sapkota
Join Date: Feb 2018
Posts: 32
Rep Power: 8
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Hello all,

I am performing simulation of centrifugal pump and after setting the restitution constants to zero we can get the eroded area and quantify it using models. My question is: in reality, the particles would not stick, instead they would skid in the blade surface. Thus, the number of particles that hit the blade surface when they skid is of course more than the one we do by setting restitution coefficient zero. And I can only do so by setting coeff. of restitution less than zero. Now, the problem is I cannot set the blade as outlet boundary in the post process if I set res. coeff. to zero. But I have a file where I have all the coordinates of the blade hit locations. My question is: Is there any way that I can plot (Erosion rate density of those skidded particles) and view it in a contour?
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