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Temperature went outside of its upper limit

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Old   January 8, 2004, 12:43
Default Temperature went outside of its upper limit
Atit Koonsrisuk
Posts: n/a
I am using CFX-5.6. In CFX-Pre, I create the general fluid by using 'water (liquid) at 100C' as the template, except that I change the density of this fluid as the function of temperature. I know that at the first state the fluid temperature is 30C, but I do not know what is the maximum fluid temperature at the final state. I predict that the temperature increase might be about 150C. I think that 100C can be the averraged temperature of this problem. So I use 'water at 100C' as the template of the fluid. When CFX-Solver run for some loops, I got the message +--------------------------------------------------------------------+

| ****** Notice ****** |

| While evaluating Temperature, |

| Static Enthalpy on domain main |

| went outside of its upper limit. Its maximum value was |

| -1.4997E+07. The bounds error was handled by extrapolation. |

| If this situation persists, consider increasing the table range. |



| ****** Notice ****** |

| While evaluating Static Entropy, |

| Temperature on domain main |

| went outside of its upper limit. Its maximum value was |

| 5.0472E+02. The bounds error was handled by clipping. |

| If this situation persists, consider increasing the table range. |


I set the maximum temperature in CFX-Pre as 500C. When I expand it to 650, I got the message that density is unbound. How do I do to fix this problem. Thank you very much
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