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desert cooler simulation

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Old   April 20, 2018, 07:06
naman doshi
Join Date: Oct 2017
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Originally Posted by ghorrocks View Post
That image is showing a maximum mass fraction of about 0.1, not 0.9. Still, 0.1 is higher than saturation so I suspect that is higher than you are looking for.

Are you sure your mass fraction rate is correct? For instance are you sure all the water is evaporated in the fabric? Most of the coolers I have seen like this have water dripping off the bottom - which suggests not all the water evaporates. Also, could some water be swept away in droplet form and not evaporate?
seems like i understood the problem.
as i am giving a constant source terms (5kg/hr of water vapour) which is being added till some steady state is reached thats why mass fraction is going so high,
while in real scenario as humidity in air would increase, rate of evaporation would eventually decrease hence i need to define a udf based on humidity level such that source term vanishes after reaching the condition required.

while in case of water vapour@25'c temp is going so high so as to accommodate water vapour in air as temp of air increases its capacity to hold water vapour increases.

Sir can you please help me to define udf for water vapour(based on surrounding or incoming moist air inside cooler from back of cooler) and an energy source (based on surrounding temp. and amount of water evaporated)

source of energy=-(mass of water added inside cooler)*(2500) KJ
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Old   April 20, 2018, 07:24
naman doshi
Join Date: Oct 2017
Posts: 35
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Originally Posted by namandoshi View Post
seems like i understood the problem.
as i am giving a constant source terms (5kg/hr of water vapour) which is being added till some steady state is reached thats why mass fraction is going so high,
while in real scenario as humidity in air would increase, rate of evaporation would eventually decrease hence i need to define a udf based on humidity level such that source term vanishes after reaching the condition required.

while in case of water vapour@25'c temp is going so high so as to accommodate water vapour in air as temp of air increases its capacity to hold water vapour increases.

Sir can you please help me to define udf for water vapour(based on surrounding or incoming moist air inside cooler from back of cooler) and an energy source (based on surrounding temp. and amount of water evaporated)

source of energy=-(mass of water added inside cooler)*(2500) KJ


i have written all equations required to write udf for both mass and source

W_ambient (is known -initial air passing in cooler)
W_out (is known desired output of cooler)
W_in (keeps on changing that is to be taken into account)
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