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Immersed Solid and FSI

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Old   March 26, 2018, 06:36
Default Immersed Solid and FSI
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Join Date: Mar 2018
Posts: 2
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Pierrm is on a distinguished road
Hello there, 
I want to model a pump using CFX with Immersed Solid. My boundary conditions are: Outlet:flow rate and inlet: total pressure. 
The translation of the immersed solid into the fluid zone allows to control the flow rate by blocking the pipe or not. (Reduces the opening from 100% to 1%, immersed solid can't be in contact with the wall of the pipe) 
I want to compare Immersed Solid and overset mesh for my application. In the first place, I made different steady simulations to compare results with and without immersed solid (Different stationary positions for the Immersed Solid) . 
Now I would like to make a transient simulation with Immersed Solid. I can specified Speed and Direction and it's work but in my real model the translation of the Immersed Solid is performed by the change of pressure around the immersed solid. 
That is why I would like to know if it's possible to apply forces/pressures obtained during the previous iteration on the Immersed Solid? 
What does the immersed solid function allow for fluid structure interactions?
I've a second question: The flow rate decreased when the pipe was blocking by Immersed Solid so I can not fix a constant flow rate in outlet boundary conditions. I would like to make a polynomial function representing the outlet flow rate (or the pressure) as a function of the position of the immersed solid. 
This position is a function of time, so I want to create an expression with the variable "t" that I will apply at the outlet. It is possible? 

Thank you all in advance 
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