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Fluid Thermal 2-way System Coupling Dynamic Memory Allocation Error

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Old   March 9, 2018, 14:24
Default Fluid Thermal 2-way System Coupling Dynamic Memory Allocation Error
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Tiger23 is on a distinguished road
I set up a base model for steady state structural thermal to CFX 2-way system coupling that works with ~100 elements. I ran CFX and steady state structural thermal stand alone and they worked independently. I have less than 100,000 elements and more than sufficient memory on my computer. What could cause the following error?

ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. Message:
Unable to allocate memory dynamically. ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. Message: Stopped in routine fDynMemAlloc

Note: This error still exists when solver memory allocation factor is increased up to 5.
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Old   March 10, 2018, 06:24
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Gert-Jan will become famous soon enough
Please add the output file or a screen dump for more details. There could be something else wrong. E.g.:

- Do you do an interpolation? Is the error in the interpolation processes? Then increasing the solver memory wont be helpful.
- You have a small case, but are you running in paralllel? Ís the error in the parallelisation process? Then increasing the solver memory wont be helpful as well......
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Old   March 10, 2018, 14:16
Default Screen Grab System Coupling
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================================================== ====================
================================================== ====================
+================================================= ===================+
| |
| ANSYS System Coupling Service |
| Version 18.2, Copyright 2017 |
| (Build Info. - 15:42:20, Jul 26 2017) |
| |
+================================================= ===================+
================================================== ====================
================================================== ====================

================================================== ====================
+================================================= ===================+
| |
| Summary of System Coupling Setup |
| |
+================================================= ===================+
================================================== ====================

+================================================= ===================+
| Analysis Information |
+================================================= ===================+

General :
Analysis Type = General
Unit System = MKS

Initialization :
Option = Program Controlled
(Starting from step/time equal to zero.)

Step :
Option = Nondimensional Steps
Minimum Iterations = 1
Maximum Iterations = 5

Duration :
Option = Number Of Steps
Number Of Steps = 1

+================================================= ===================+
| Coupling Participant Information (2) |
+================================================= ===================+

| Participant: Copy of PeriodicFullModel |

General :
Unit System = SI
Type = CoSimulation
Name = Solution 5

Summary of Coupling Regions (1)
Region : PadTop
Internal Name = PadTop
Type = Surface

Summary above omits regions not used in data transfers.

Summary of Coupling Variables (2)
Variable : Heat Flow
Internal Name = Wall Heat Flow
Physical Type = Heat Rate
Variable : Temperature
Internal Name = Temperature
Physical Type = Temperature

Summary above omits variables not used in data transfers.

Summary of Base Units (9)
Angle = radian
ChemicalAmount = mol
Current = A
Length = m
Luminance = cd
Mass = kg
SolidAngle = sr
Temperature = K
Time = s

| Participant: Steady-State Thermal |

General :
Unit System = MKS_STANDARD
Type = CoSimulation
Name = Solution 1

Summary of Coupling Regions (1)
Region : FTIPad
Internal Name = FSIN_6
Type = Surface

Summary of Coupling Variables (2)
Variable : Temperature
Internal Name = TEMP
Physical Type = Temperature
Variable : Heat Flow
Internal Name = HFLW
Physical Type = Heat Rate

Summary above omits variables not used in data transfers.

Summary of Base Units (9)
Angle = radian
ChemicalAmount = mol
Current = A
Length = m
Luminance = cd
Mass = kg
SolidAngle = sr
Temperature = C
Time = s

+================================================= ===================+
| Data Transfer Information (2) |
+================================================= ===================+

| Data Transfer: Data Transfer |

Source : Copy of PeriodicFullModel
Region = PadTop
Variable = Heat Flow

Target : Steady-State Thermal
Region = FTIPad
Variable = Heat Flow

General Information :
Name = Data Transfer
Execute Transfer At = Start Of Iteration
Convergence Option = RMS Change In Data
Target Value = 0.001
Under Relax. Factor = 0.7
Ramping = None

| Data Transfer: Data Transfer 2 |

Source : Steady-State Thermal
Region = FTIPad
Variable = Temperature

Target : Copy of PeriodicFullModel
Region = PadTop
Variable = Temperature

General Information :
Name = Data Transfer 2
Execute Transfer At = Start Of Iteration
Convergence Option = RMS Change In Data
Target Value = 0.01
Under Relax. Factor = 1
Ramping = None

+================================================= ===================+
| Execution Control Information |
+================================================= ===================+

| Co-Simulation Sequence |

Sequence Index : 1
Copy of PeriodicFullModel

Sequence Index : 2
Steady-State Thermal

+================================================= ===================+
| Setup Validation |
+================================================= ===================+

No warnings or errors.

+================================================= ===================+
| System Coupling Co-Simulation Summary |
+================================================= ===================+

Participant : ANSYS CFX (Solution 5)
Version/Build Info = ANSYS CFX solver build: Mon Jul 17 23:47:11
GMTDT 2017 Attributes:
Participant : Mechanical APDL (Solution 1)
Version/Build Info = Mechanical APDL Release 18.2 UP20170726

+================================================= ===================+
| An exception has occurred and has been transmitted to the coupling |
| participants. These participants have been disconnected from the |
| coupling service. |
+================================================= ===================+

+================================================= ===================+
| System Coupling Exception |
+================================================= ===================+
| Origin : Copy of PeriodicFullModel (Solution 5) |
| Error Code : 2 |
| Error Description : |
| Stopped in routine fDynMemAlloc |
+================================================= ===================+

System coupling run completed with errors.
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Old   March 10, 2018, 14:35
Default Selected Screen Grab CFX
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Join Date: Mar 2018
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| |
| Partitioning |
| |

Run mode: partitioning run

| Memory Allocated for Run (Actual usage may be less) |

| Real | Integer | Character | Logical | Double
Mwords | 1.38 | 4.11 | 7.10 | 0.12 | 1.18
Mbytes | 5.26 | 15.68 | 6.77 | 0.46 | 9.01

| Host Memory Information (Mbytes) |
| Host | System | Allocated | % |
| | 32699.80 | 37.18 | 0.11 |

| The MeTiS partitioning method allocates additional memory. |
| Total memory usage will therefore exceed the values shown above. |
| Topology Simplification |

| ****** Warning ****** |
| |
| Topology simplification cannot be applied to cases with system |
| coupling. The corresponding expert parameter has been modified |
| and topology simplification has been disabled. |

| Mesh Statistics |

Domain Name : Default Domain Modified

Total Number of Nodes = 24514

Total Number of Elements = 98400
Total Number of Tetrahedrons = 94241
Total Number of Hexahedrons = 3459
Total Number of Pyramids = 700

Total Number of Faces = 24906

Domain Interface Name : Domain Interface 1

Discretization type = GGI
Intersection type = Direct
Non-overlap area fraction on side 1 = 1.56E-01
Non-overlap area fraction on side 2 = 1.56E-01

| Vertex Based Partitioning |

Partitioning of domain: Default Domain Modified

- Partitioning tool: MeTiS multilevel k-way algorithm
- Number of partitions: 8
- Number of graph-nodes: 24514
- Number of graph-edges: 287312

| Iso-Partition Connection Statistics |
| Domains in Group | | Vertices |
| | Smooth +---------+----------+----------+
| | Sweeps | Moves | <25% | <50% |
| Default Domain Modified | 3 | 7 | 0 | 26 |

| Partitioning Information |

Partitioning information for domain: Default Domain Modified

| Elements | Vertices | Faces |
| Part | Number % | Number % %Ovlp | Number % |
| Full | 98400 | 24514 | 24906 |
| 1 | 10515 10.0 | 3554 12.4 13.2 | 3056 11.3 |
| 2 | 16307 15.5 | 3478 12.1 11.7 | 3097 11.4 |
| 3 | 12517 11.9 | 3477 12.1 14.2 | 3823 14.1 |
| 4 | 14725 14.0 | 3719 12.9 19.3 | 2818 10.4 |
| 5 | 10321 9.8 | 3686 12.8 14.0 | 4593 16.9 |
| 6 | 10045 9.5 | 3604 12.5 19.1 | 2909 10.7 |
| 7 | 15204 14.5 | 3648 12.7 11.2 | 3513 13.0 |
| 8 | 15552 14.8 | 3567 12.4 14.5 | 3295 12.2 |
| Min | 10045 9.5 | 3477 12.1 11.2 | 2818 10.4 |
|(part)| ( 6)| ( 3 7)| ( 4)|
| Max | 16307 15.5 | 3719 12.9 19.3 | 4593 16.9 |
|(part)| ( 2)| ( 4 4)| ( 5)|
| Ave | 13148 12.5 | 3592 12.5 14.7 | 3388 12.5 |
| Sum | 105186 100.0 | 28733 100.0 | 27104 100.0 |

| Partitioning CPU-Time Requirements |
GGI Intersection 2.50E-02 3.5 %
Preparations 6.50E-02 9.1 %
Low-level Mesh Partitioning 1.40E-02 2.0 %
File Reading 2.30E-02 3.2 %
Partition Smoothing 7.10E-02 10.0 %
Topology - Domain Interface 1.70E-02 2.4 %
Topology - Global 1.80E-02 2.5 %
Topology - Element/Face/Patch 3.50E-02 4.9 %
Topology - Vertex 1.00E-03 0.1 %
Data Compression 1.00E-03 0.1 %
Variable Updates 1.00E-03 0.1 %
File Writing 3.90E-02 5.5 %
Miscellaneous 4.02E-01 56.5 %
Total 7.12E-01

| |
| Solver |
| |

| |
| ANSYS(R) CFX(R) Solver |
| |
| Release 18.2 |
| Build 18.2 2017-07-17T23:27:31.684000 |
| Mon Jul 17 23:47:11 GMTDT 2017 |
| |
| Executable Attributes |
| |
| single-64bit-int32-archfort-optimised-noprof-lcomp |
| |


| Job Information at Start of Run |

Run mode: parallel run (MPI)

| ****** WARNING ****** |
| |
| An Interrupt Control has been defined in solver control but will |
| be ignored since this is a System Coupling simulation. Please |
| interrupt or stop the simulation via System Coupling. |

| ****** WARNING ****** |
| |
| An Elapsed Time termination condition has been defined in solver |
| control but will be ignored since this is a System Coupling |
| simulation. Please interrupt or stop the simulation via System |
| Coupling. |

| Memory Allocated for Run (Actual usage may be less) |

Allocated storage in: Mwords

Partition | Real | Integer | Character | Logical | Double
Minimum | 48.77 | 10.37 | 37.57 | 0.60 | 2.99
( 8) | 186.05 | 39.55 | 35.83 | 0.57 | 22.83
Maximum | 100.27 | 10.92 | 37.57 | 0.60 | 5.94
( 7) | 382.49 | 41.65 | 35.83 | 0.57 | 45.35
Average | 87.07 | 10.69 | 37.57 | 0.60 | 5.21
| 332.14 | 40.77 | 35.83 | 0.57 | 39.72
Total | 696.56 | 85.51 | 300.56 | 4.80 | 41.65
| 2657.15 | 326.19 | 286.64 | 4.58 | 317.75

| Host Memory Information (Mbytes) |
| Host | Npart | System | Allocated | % |
| | 8 | 32699.80 | 3592.30 | 10.99 |

| Process Affinity Summary |

Note: Multiple hyperthreads used on 1 hosts.

| ****** Notice ****** |
| |
| One or more expert parameters have been enabled. Note that expert |
| parameters are intended for use only by customers who are |
| experienced in the use of CFX, or who have been instructed to use |
| them by ANSYS Customer Support. Use of the parameters is not fully |
| supported, and may have unexpected or unintended consequences both |
| for the quality of results and the performance of the CFX-Solver. |

| ****** Notice ****** |
| The Wall Heat Transfer Coefficient written to the results file for |
| any laminar phase with heat transfer is based on the Wall Heat Flux|
| the wall temperature, and the Wall Adjacent Temperature |
| (near-wall temperature). If you would like it to be based on a |
| user-specified bulk temperature instead, please set the expert |
| parameter "tbulk for htc = <value>". |

| Topology Simplification |

| ****** Warning ****** |
| |
| Topology simplification cannot be applied to cases with system |
| coupling. The corresponding expert parameter has been modified |
| and topology simplification has been disabled. |

| ****** Notice ****** |
| Evaluation of quantitative CEL functions on mesh regions |
| ignores any .Boundcon operator and uses conservative values. |

| Mesh Statistics |
| Domain Name | Orthog. Angle | Exp. Factor | Aspect Ratio |
| | Minimum [deg] | Maximum | Maximum |
| Default Domain Modifi| 2.5 ! | 45632 ! | 354 ok |
| | %! %ok %OK | %! %ok %OK | %! %ok %OK |
| Default Domain Modifi| 3 7 90 | 5 12 83 | 0 7 93 |

Domain Name : Default Domain Modified

Total Number of Nodes = 24514

Total Number of Elements = 98400
Total Number of Tetrahedrons = 94241
Total Number of Hexahedrons = 3459
Total Number of Pyramids = 700

Total Number of Faces = 24906

Domain Interface Name : Domain Interface 1

Discretization type = GGI
Intersection type = Partitioner
Non-overlap area fraction on side 1 = 1.56E-01
Non-overlap area fraction on side 2 = 1.56E-01

| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. |
| Message: |
| Unable to allocate memory dynamically. |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |

| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. |
| Message: |
| Stopped in routine fDynMemAlloc |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |

| An error has occurred in cfx5solve: |
| |
| The ANSYS CFX solver exited with return code 1. No results file |
| has been created. |

End of solution stage.

This run of the ANSYS CFX Solver has finished.
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Old   March 11, 2018, 09:19
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Gert-Jan will become famous soon enough
I don't know. Have only little experience in these coupled systems. Anyone else?
Otherwise, ask ANSYS support.
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Old   March 11, 2018, 17:59
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Glenn Horrocks
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice
I can only recommend trying a few things and see what happens. The error is likely to be caused by the memory handler misbehaving rather than actually running out of memory, so your task is to find what could cause the memory handler to misbehave. Things like lots of surfaces, complex GGI interfaces or too many CEL expressions can cause weird memory errors.
Note: I do not answer CFD questions by PM. CFD questions should be posted on the forum.
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Old   February 8, 2020, 01:25
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Sasan Ghomi
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I faced the same error when I was coupling CFX and Steady State Thermal via "System Coupling";

Unable to allocate memory dynamically
I cannot find any solution for this problem.
Any Ideas?

Best Regards
Sasan Ghomi
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