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massflowAve(T) expression gives different values inside a domain

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Old   November 23, 2017, 10:51
Default massflowAve(T) expression gives different values inside a domain
Join Date: Jul 2016
Posts: 35
Rep Power: 10
Vishnu_bharathi is on a distinguished road
Hello all,

I have a named reference plane created in Design modeler as shown in the figure. I have single porous domain made up of two blocks. The named reference plane is created in Design modeler using the end face of the 1st block.
In CFX-Pre, I created expressions to measure temperature over three surfaces.
1. Interface1 2.Plane D 3. Interface2 (see attached fig)

massflowAve(T)@Plane D;

I used the above 3 expressions in monitor tabs. Temperatures at inferface1 and interface2 were good but the temperature at Plane D was shows in exponents in the monitor graph(see attached image) I have no clue why is it like this. Any suggestions?

In cfx post I created three new planes exactly at the same location of interface1(plane1), Plane D(plane2), interface2(plane3) and measured the temperature using massflowAve(T)@plane 1; massflowAve(T)plane 2; massflowAve(T)plane 3; All very good. PLANE CREATION OPTION: Inset  location  plane (just created the plane without any reference from named references)

Then I tried with Insert location  user surface, then I select offset ‘0’ meters from Plane D(the named reference from design modeler) and created the plane. Similar method I used to create planes at interface1 and interface2.
I, then used massflowAve(T)@user planes; to calculate the temperature. Again the temperature at interfaces were good but the temperature at the named reference surface was higher than the actual value or different from the value measured from the plane created without using named references.

Why the surface/named reference created from design modeler provides value different in monitor points and cfx post? Is there any way to create surface inside the domain in cfx-pre so that I can use that surface in monitor expression. I need to measure avg temperature(surface) at certain distances from domain start for all time steps during a simulation.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg model.jpg (67.7 KB, 11 views)
File Type: jpg monitor surface inside domain.JPG (77.9 KB, 11 views)
Vishnu_bharathi is offline   Reply With Quote


ave temp, cfx pre, massflowave(t), named reference, temp calcu domain

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