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Opening closing and opening periodically with time

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Old   October 13, 2017, 01:15
Lightbulb Opening closing and opening periodically with time
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Raniel Albuquerque
Join Date: Oct 2017
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Hello Folks!
I'm modeling an equipment to separate oil emulsified in water, the equipment consists to force the fluids to pass through a porous media, doing the tiny oil's droplets become together, which does the droplets increase it's diameter, doing the droplets to float, by the difference of density.
So, at the end of my equipment I need to have two openings: one at the top (for the oil) and another at the botton (for the water).
My problem is that the oil's opening will not be open all the time, I need to acumulate oil at the top, so, after a pre-defined time, that opening will be opened.

I tried to create two flow analysis, at the first one the oil's opening was closed, so at the moment "X" that analysis would end up and the second analysis would start (initial time = X), but that didn't worked out, the solver just runned the first one.
Somebody could help me with this problem (to couple the two analysis) or has another way to open the opening after a time?
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Old   October 13, 2017, 03:02
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Glenn Horrocks
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The simplest way of doing this is to do an initial simulation with it closed and then a second simulation with it open. I think this is what you are trying to do.

To do this you will need to make the results file in the first simulation the initial condition of the second simulation.
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boundary condition, multi phase flow, transient analysis

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