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Regarding reducing the skewness

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Old   August 18, 2017, 06:31
Default Regarding reducing the skewness
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Eric Lee
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I'm a undergraduate student who's practicing CFD with a train model.

Now, I've learned all the process of CFX, but I've been struggling with reducing the skewness which is above 0.99...

As far as I know, reducing the skewness can be done by resizing the mesh or adding the inflation or by some other ways which I am not aware of.

And here is the problem. I reduced the size of the body. But after that when I try to add some inflation layers, it shows an error.

I'm sorry if this seems like a idiotic question, but I'd appreciate if I can get some help since I have no one who can teach me.

And plus, I hope my Enlish makes sense to whomever read this.

Thank you.
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Old   August 18, 2017, 06:57
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Glenn Horrocks
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Putting inflation meshes on complex bodies can be difficult. Putting them on complex bodies AND giving a high mesh quality takes experience and training. So having problems with meshing when you are new to it is to be expected.

There are so many things you could try it is hard to list them:
* Try making the mesh finer in problem areas
* Try making the inflation layers smaller
* Use the inflation layer termination controls to stop it generating inflation layers before it gets into problems
* Use the patch independent mesher
* Mesh it in small sections and join it up later
* Simplify the geometry to remove tricky bits which are not going to affect the simulation results
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Old   August 18, 2017, 08:03
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Eric Lee
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Originally Posted by ghorrocks View Post
Putting inflation meshes on complex bodies can be difficult. Putting them on complex bodies AND giving a high mesh quality takes experience and training. So having problems with meshing when you are new to it is to be expected.

There are so many things you could try it is hard to list them:
* Try making the mesh finer in problem areas
* Try making the inflation layers smaller
* Use the inflation layer termination controls to stop it generating inflation layers before it gets into problems
* Use the patch independent mesher
* Mesh it in small sections and join it up later
* Simplify the geometry to remove tricky bits which are not going to affect the simulation results

Sir, first of all, thank you so much for the information.
May I ask about the 3rd one that is to use the inflation layer termination controls? Could you please explain it more about it in details?
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Old   August 18, 2017, 08:13
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cfx, mesh quality, skewness

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