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Creating surface from closed curve

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Old   August 7, 2017, 10:41
Default Creating surface from closed curve
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I want to create a surface using a closed polyline that was created in CFX Post but couldnt find a way to do it.

Basically I have a channel with a couple of cylinders in different angles to it as flow domain and I want to plot the pressure on the surface of "intersection", meaning where the flow crosses from the channel into the cylinder.

I also tried to use "User Surface" >> Method: "Boundary Intersection" using the Channel as Boundary List and the wanted to choose the cylinder as "Intersect With" but that is not possible.

Anyone who encountered a similar problem?

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Old   August 7, 2017, 20:20
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Glenn Horrocks
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice
CFD-Post does not have a method of turning a closed line into a surface (to my knowledge). I would do this using a plane which is carefully placed, and possibly using bounds to limit it to the area of interest.
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Old   August 8, 2017, 03:17
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thx for the reply. unfortunatley there are many such planes that I need to create, therefore placing and clipping each and every single one of them would require lots of time. So still hoping to find a better method.
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Old   August 8, 2017, 06:48
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice
Use a session file to automate it.
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Old   August 8, 2017, 07:16
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well, ja, if I had to do the exact same operation that would work, but in my case position and clipping paramters would change every single time and not with a specific pattern, so I guess that doesnt work either.
Therefore I am using a different approach now. I create planes at the required positions in a CAD tool and read out 3 points on each required surface. Then I wanted to use the "User Surface" option with "Read from file". Hereby i can create a surface at the required position in CFX Post. Nevertheless the Contour Plot that I created on this surface does not seem to be right at all, meaning it simply does not show me the correct pressures. also the surface created via the "User Surface" does not autmotically get clipped to the flow domain. Am I missing something?
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Old   August 8, 2017, 10:21
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Originally Posted by Katha View Post
well, ja, if I had to do the exact same operation that would work, but in my case position and clipping paramters would change every single time and not with a specific pattern, so I guess that doesnt work either.
Therefore I am using a different approach now. I create planes at the required positions in a CAD tool and read out 3 points on each required surface. Then I wanted to use the "User Surface" option with "Read from file". Hereby i can create a surface at the required position in CFX Post. Nevertheless the Contour Plot that I created on this surface does not seem to be right at all, meaning it simply does not show me the correct pressures. also the surface created via the "User Surface" does not autmotically get clipped to the flow domain. Am I missing something?
You'd better illustrate what you want with some images.
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closed polyline, user surface

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