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Rotor/stator tutorial, and how to...

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Old   December 18, 2001, 12:23
Default Rotor/stator tutorial, and how to...
Posts: n/a
Hi, everyone,

Well,first of all,tell you that I am working with cfx5.5.

I want to model a rotor stator tutorial feature like the one in the tutorial, but with different things.But the main problem is, in the tutorial, all the difficult bits are already built, inplace, the mesh is already created, and everything is already done for you.How can I create mesh groups like that????Well, I have the whole thing drawn ina database, but it won't let me create more than one domain, while in the tutorial, you can create more, ancd copy domains, and so on.Where is the trick?.Can someone explain me how to build a problem like that,create all the mesh groups,domains and so on, from a simple design drawn in CFX5.5??

If you have just gone through the tutorial, it works like magic, but the main question is:how to get a file like Axial.db, where everything is defined for you??

If you can help me, that would be really nice, becasue I really need this thing to work, for my job.

Thanks a lot,guys!!!

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Old   December 18, 2001, 13:10
Default More explanations!!!
Posts: n/a
Well, to continue, and to give you more explanations about my problem,what happens is that the file I was talking about in my first message is built in CFX-TurboGrid, and combined with another one built in CFX-Build.

How,and where do tou combine that?And most importantly, what happens if you don't have this tools like TurboGrid??

Well,hope you can help me, and thanks for your understanding and patience to read all this.

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Old   December 18, 2001, 15:14
Default Re: More explanations!!!
Robin Steed
Posts: n/a

When you create your new database, select the "Importe Mesh" mode, just as it says to do in the tutorial (pg. 373) under Creating a New Database.

To use your own mesh created in Build, use the "Mesh Only" mode to create the mesh, then import it into build. (Note that the mesh only mode also gives you access to the Patran volume meshing tools, if you wish to create a hexahedral mesh. To get to these tools, choose Patran Volume Meshing under Preferences>Meshing Mode...)

Regards, Robin
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Old   January 18, 2002, 05:21
Default Re: More explanations!!!
Pankaj N Bid
Posts: n/a
Dear Gilberto You can combine the stator and rotar in CFXTasflow. In File menu you go to Advance Input/Output option. There you browse your grid file from CFX runbuild. give a name to that file. Go to Preprocess, then to grid interface. In Grid Interface go to new , then attaching, attached the primary and secondary region, click the Node matching button, go to Arbitary GGI option. Then click Interface model choose the Rotar/Stator option then apply. Hope this will help you in solving your problem. Regards Pankaj Bid
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Old   January 18, 2002, 16:16
Default getting boundary layer grid
Posts: n/a
I an working on 3-D Axial compressor simulation in cfx5.4.1. To get a good result I need to have a fine grid on the blade wall(structured would be best)upto 3,4 mm from the blade surface.Paving and isomeshing option is not working with periodic boundaries.So I am not able to put mesh seeds and such things. How can I accomplish this? What is inflated boundary.what is its use?
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Old   January 21, 2002, 10:41
Default Re: More explanations!!!
Posts: n/a
Hi, mate!!!

My main problem is I don't have TASCFlow,I am only able to use CFX5.5, and my main problem is how to define a volumetric mesh suitable for my kind of problem. Do you know how to get into the "Mesh Only" mode,just to create a mesh, so #I can import it in Build???

The difficult thing also is how to define the actual volumetric space around my blades. I have my rotor and my stator drawn in Build, and the question, the difficult problem is:How in the world can I create a volumetric space around my blades, how can I define it, and then, how can I make it interact with the surrounding pipe that should be stationary in the problem?????

If anyone knows how to do it, or you have any problems understanding my drawing, I could send you a copy of my database, so you can see it, and give me an apprpriate solution.

Thanks a lot,

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