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Effect of electric and magnetic fields on Combustion flame and its exhaust.

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Old   April 19, 2017, 12:59
Default Effect of electric and magnetic fields on Combustion flame and its exhaust.
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I have been trying to simulate combusting flows using EDM and apply Electromagnetic model to it. I want to capture the effect of magnetic and electric fields on combusting flow field in a duct combustor. The ions generated in the flow due to chemical reactions and the high temperatures should be effected my the body forces and I intend to measure the field strengths required to effect the flow structures in the field.

I have tried to couple all the physics in comsol but I do not have the level of understanding required to do it comsol.

I wanted to know if the same can be done in CFX activating EM model along with the flow. I am unable to find the electrical conductivity properties of reactants and products of the reaction that I want to simulate in order to see what the model does. (Methane- Air Mixture)

I did not understand which combustion model is the right pick? I have also observed that PDF Flamelet can generate information regarding the intermediate ions in the reactions but I do not have license for CFX RIF to generate PDF libraries?

So, Can it be done in CFX? Any other opensource software that has this capability?

Thank you for your time.
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cfx, combustion, em fields

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