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CFX help document

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Old   May 25, 2001, 00:21
Default Re: CFX help document
Dan Williams
Posts: n/a
Interesting again. You say that like you know them or something. You are right that this is not a "cracked" software forum. But I think that if cracked versions of FlexLM based software exist (which I'm sure many do), then it would be interesting to know where they are at.

Frankly, it just bugs me a bit when I see people like yourself or James Date say things about it in such a cavalier manner and then not post ftp site addreses or URL links to do the downloads to back up your claims.

If your going to spout off about downloading warez, then you may as well go the whole way and not just keep everyone in the dark so that we might admire your ability to find cracked software.

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Old   May 25, 2001, 04:53
Default Re: CFX help document
John C. Chien
Posts: n/a
(1). The news report said today, 37% of the software in use are copied version. That's life. (2). So, the university is selling copying machine card to students so that copies of papers or books can be made. To make the life of research easier, I guess. (3). If hardware companies are donating computers to schools, then in the interest of researchers and students, cfd software also can be donated to schools to make the research life easier there.(with the full document naturally) (4). I think, it is the accurate solution to the problem which is valuable, not the code in the form of libraries and functions. (5). It make sense to put a price on the accurate solution of a cfd problem. But to make a license expensive on a software code which does not guarantee any converged solution is not realistic. (6). A over-1000 pages computer book is listed at US49.99 dollars. (which is available on Internet at 20% discount.) So, from my point of view, unless the copied version is being sold on the open market, then it is just part of our life. (7). And it is likely that through the reverse-engineering, someone will be able to create better and cheaper codes for more people to use. That's also life. It is interesting to know that MS was sued to include free Internet software in the Windows program. (8). My position is: for learning purpose, it does not make difference whether you buy, or borrow, or copy. For PC books, I always buy my own copy. For technical papers, I always use copying machine. And for expensive software,(several hundred, or several thousand dollars range) old version copies are always available. (9). How should I calculate the value of my cfd-forum answers? I think, we always need to look at the practical aspect of life. If you price a music CD at US40 dollars a piece, then it is too much I guess. And I don't think a cfd software costing US20k dollars license can play music at all.
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Old   May 25, 2001, 05:17
Default Re: CFX help document
Li Xinfeng
Posts: n/a
hehe.... I agree it. I have sent a email to you,but no answer.
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Old   May 25, 2001, 06:07
Default Re: CFX help document
Richard Pemberton
Posts: n/a
A couple of points;

1) Using CFX with a help manual is hard enough, without virtually impossible. Having the printed version allows for easy browsing which the current online version does not.

2) I don't believe it is responsible to advocate cracked copies of software and just say it is a way of life. A lot of time and money goes into developing these codes, they are expensive but then you're paying for the effort that's gone into getting them to the state they're at. You are also paying for the fact that they are not going to sell in large numbers, unlike Microsoft Office for example. The software companies have to pay their staff and cracked software takes away some of their income.

If you do not like people making money out of their CFD codes then write your own code which is as robust, easy to use and multi purpose as most commercial software and then give it away on the net, rather than resorting to cracked code. I'm sure after putting in the effort to do that, most people would expect some financial reward from it.

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Old   May 25, 2001, 16:40
Default Re: CFX help document
John C. Chien
Posts: n/a
(1). Thanks, the short message has been received.
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Old   May 25, 2001, 16:50
Default Re: CFX help document
John C. Chien
Posts: n/a
(1). Free demo version, or share-ware version is a good way to go. (2). The idea is to reach more potential users. (3).If one is so anxious to jump into this very small and tough field of CFD, then he should be encouraged in anyway possible. Especially, if he is interested in learning how to use the code, or find out the capability of the code. (4). It is useless to ask the user to buy an expensive racing car, if he doesn't even know how to drive one. As a matter of fact, car dealers are giving away free gifts to get potential buyers to test drive the car.
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Old   May 25, 2001, 18:55
Default Re: CFX help document
Jan Rusås
Posts: n/a
Dear John,

I will write it again,

It is possible from the software vendors to obtain a trial license, so that you can check how to use the code or the capabilities of the code. I did that before I decided to get a CFX license (not a cracked), so what is your point (Oh no please not reply)

Regards Jan

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