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volute geometry definition

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Old   May 3, 2001, 05:04
Default volute geometry definition
Derrik Mazzer
Posts: n/a
I am working with CFX/TASCflow on a centrifugal fan coupled with a stator and a volute. In particular, I am dealing with the rotor-stator interaction, and currently I am facing the problem of volute definition. I defined the geometry of the impeller using CFX-Turbogrid, while I am creating the volute geometry - with a rectangular section - using TASCgrid. I have found many troubles in the definition of the interface between the volute and the impeller, in particular as far as the starting point of the volute is concerned. Does anybody know a fine way to define the volute geometry? Any suggestion is welcomed!


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Old   May 14, 2001, 10:08
Default Re: volute geometry definition
Posts: n/a
Dear Derrik,

My problem also involves volute(turbine) and I used CFX-Build to create the geometry. I think Build is easier(for me!) because of its CAD-like interface.


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Old   May 15, 2001, 09:20
Default Re: volute geometry definition
Posts: n/a

In my experience, CFX-TASCflow users create volute geometries using either:

1) A CAD system (such as CATIA, UG, Pro/E, Solidworks etc) 2) The geometry creation tools in the mesh generators CFX-Build 4 or ICEM-HEXA.

The volute geometry would need to be consistent with the relevant diffuser grid from CFX-TurboGrid. This should be straightforward, especially if you have used CFX-BladeGen to create the diffuser geometry.

As for meshing the volute, it can sometimes be advantageous to break the overall volute geometry down into a set of simpler volumes, mesh each part separately, then assemble the various grids in the volute and impeller/diffuser using the grid assembly tools in CFX-TASCflow.

If you have to create the geometry without using a full blown CAD system, people such as Drona, find CFX-Build's geometry creation tools quite easy. It is our opinion that the ICEM-HEXA geometry generator (DDN)requires a higher level of user competence.

Alternatively, if you have CAD data for the volute both CFX-Build 4 and ICEM-HEXA have good CAD import capabilities. CFX-Build 4 can import native geometry from CADDS5, CATIA, UG, Pro/E as well as in general Asics (useful for AutoCad Mechanical Desktop), Parasolids (useful for SolidWorks) and IGES. I believe HEXA can import native CADDS5, CATIA, UG, Pro/E and I-DEAS as the well as the general formats.

So there are a choice of tools for volute geometry creation and meshing. I think EnginSoft will be able to give you further advise.

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