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Help with cfx5mondata for Workbench remesh

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Old   March 7, 2017, 00:38
Default Help with cfx5mondata for Workbench remesh
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Fabio Teixeira
Join Date: May 2016
Posts: 4
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I'll go direct to my question and write below the details of the simulation and what I've done so far. MY PROBLEM IS: how to write on the WB script the commands to open the cfx5mondata, get the final value of the variable and update the parameter on design point to get the updated geometry, mesh and continue the solution?

I'm simulating a respiratory device that works like a check valve. I'm doing it on CFX5 with mesh deformation and remesh based on mesh quality.
For the remesh, I need to take the current valve position, update the geometry, then remesh.

After gone through many tutorials, forum threads and help docs, I was able to write a workbench script for remesh that doesn't use the remesh option on configuration setup in CFX-pre. The script runs the solver until the stop condition is achieved (mesh quality), the solver is closed, the results component is updated, the current valve position output parameter from design point is copied into the input parameter for geometry update and the solution is updated once again. The loop goes until the final time (as an output parameter) is achieved.

The problem on it is that at the end of simulation I get multiple res files (a lot...) that can't be combined together (because the mesh is different) and it becomes unpractical to work with them.

NOW I've come to the conclusion that I need to use the cfx5mondata.exe to monitor my userpoint valve position and use the remesh option on cfx-pre configuration.

p.s.: I'm don't know how to code, unfortunately. But I'm able to understand and write something based on examples. I've read a lot of times the EDR's tutorial code but couldn't get a clue on how to use or write what I need yet.
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cfx, cfx5mondata, remesh, workbench scripting

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