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Strange time step selection issue (for information only)

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Old   February 27, 2017, 06:28
Lightbulb Strange time step selection issue (for information only)
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I'm performing a series of transient population balance simulations using the MuSiG model.

With my chosen time step I achieve stable convergence within 3 coefficient loop iterations per time step; the imbalances look sensible as do the monitor points.

When I gradually increase the time step so it is double or triple the original value, I still achieve stable convergence within 3/4 coefficient loop iterations per time step; however the simulations will often randomly crash citing divide by zero errors.

It's strange - all time steps (the small and large ones) give me good convergence behaviour (residuals, imbalances, and monitor points) yet the large ones cause the simulations to diverge, DESPITE showing good residual history.

The population balance models must be sensitive to time step.

To fix the problem I'm using the original small time step.

I guess this thread is for information only
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Old   February 27, 2017, 06:56
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Glenn Horrocks
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice
When you use highly non-linear and complex models like MuSiG multiphase you can get into situations where small differences make the difference between convergence and non-convergence and the usual signs (like residuals) hardly show a difference.

You might find that other measures are actually a better measure of convergence than the residuals in your case. Imbalances is certainly one to try - with several coupled phase populations to get conservation over them all will be challenging. But there may be other measures of convergence in your case which are better.
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