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CFX-Post: Parameterized location for data output possible?

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Old   December 11, 2016, 16:36
Post CFX-Post: Parameterized location for data output possible?
Anna Feichtner
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Hello everybody! It's my first day here in the forum and already my 2nd thread

When I searched in google or here I could'nt find any sites or threads, that discussed my question, but I am not sure if I used the right termination...

My question is: Is there any possibilty to create parameterized planes in CFX POST for data output?

As I'm simulating external flow around a single cubic bulding with varying dimensions (height, length, width) I'd like pressure-values on the building surface as a data output. I already managed with expressions to get the pressure averaged over manual-specified planes. Now I'd like to parameterize those planes in order to the variation/parameterization of the geometry - that the planes in POST fit the new geometry. Is it possible to do it in POST? Or maybe in order to slicing the geometry/body already in DesignModeler? With assignment with NamedSelections?

Maybe you have an idea and can help me?
Greetings, Anna
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Old   December 11, 2016, 18:13
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Glenn Horrocks
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There should be (at least) three ways of doing this:

* CFD Post has a CCL language where you can generate features using a text interface. You can then set parameters on the text file.

* CFD Post can do session files where a series of actions are "recorded" into a session file which can be played back again later. The session file is a text file, so again the numeric values in the session file can be modified.

* Doesn't CFD-Post accept parameters from workbench? Then use workbench parametric modelling to define the location of the planes.

The last way is easiest I suspect.
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Old   December 12, 2016, 05:19
Anna Feichtner
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Hi Glenn, thank's for your response!

I also intended to use the 3rd option you described. But in my opinion, parameters from workbench can not be used for every way of defining a plane. It's possible for the Plane Bounds (including size and rotation angle), but not for defining an exact point or a non-rectangular plane. For example I want to create the plane with 3 points, I have to define the coordinates of these points manually...

But maybe I can mix this with creating a session file and modifying it?! So thanks for the information about session files. I'm gonna try and find it out
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Old   December 19, 2016, 05:22
Anna Feichtner
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Now I solved my problem without using CCL.

With the usage of imprints I created parameterized surfaces on my cube in the DesignModeler. In the Meshing Tool I created NamedSelections out of them. In CFD POST I used these NamedSelections for creating separate domains. And then I referenced onto these domains for my data output (as Workbench output parameters), for example: areaAve(Pressure)@surface1 .
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Old   January 16, 2017, 07:47
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Well, I think it's enough just to create named selection during meshing without DM? Moreover, if you just change sizes and all surfaces stay the same, you can use just surface numbers, e.g. areaAve(Pressure)@F258.468
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Old   January 16, 2017, 08:34
Anna Feichtner
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Thanks for the reply Red Ember! I think I know what you mean. But if I want to have a few Named Selections on one surface (splitting one surface into more areas) I didn't know how to do it without DM...?
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Old   February 22, 2024, 13:11
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Just in case anyone has the same question and is still looking for maybe an other way of solving this problem.

You can access geometric input and output parameters which are shown in the Workbench parametric table in CFD-Post. For that you have to create an Expression in CFD-Post, give it a random/generic value (this doesn't matter) and then activate "Use as Workbench Input Parmeter".

Then this expression will appear in the Workbench parametric table next to the geometric parameters which you want to use in CFD-Post. Let's say one of this geometric parameters you want to use is called P1. You can assign P1 to the newly generated expression and then you will (indirectly) have access to the value of P1 via your custom expression in CFD-Post.

Maybe this is helpful for somebody.
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