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CFX scalability with MPI

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Old   December 8, 2016, 16:02
Default CFX scalability with MPI
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For those who have been running CFX with 'local parallel MPI' options: how well CFX is doing in terms of scalability?

I'm currently using a Xeon E5v3 workstation with 2 CPUs, each with 8 cores (or 16 with hyper-threading). My experience with running single stage turbine steady simulation with mesh size from 2m up to 8m is that 16 cores is barely faster than 8 cores, while 8 cores is ~60% faster than 4 cores. The speed up for 8 cores is roughly 6 times compared to serial mode.

I'm just wondering if ppl experience a similar level of scalability, and any general advice to improve the speed up when running with more partitions? Later on I need to run URANS with ~40m mesh and it'd be good to keep the running time down.

So far what I could think of is to keep the job on the same socket i.e. using 1 CPU to avoid communication cost between sockets.
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Old   December 8, 2016, 17:58
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Glenn Horrocks
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* Turn hyperthreading off. It does not help CFX simulations, you need to use physical cores.
* Xeon workstations will loose considerable parallel performance due to bottlenecks in things like the memory bus. If you report a 6x speedup on 8 cores then you are doing pretty well, this is about as good as you are going to get.
* Distributed parallel speedup is better. This is because you have multiple cores, but also multiple memory busses and all the other stuff.
* But at around 8 to 16 cores on distributed parallel you will start to have scaling problems if you are using ethernet. You will need to consider high speed interconnects like infiniband.
* If you are looking at large systems (a few hundred cores or more) then the design of these systems is very complex. To get good performance you need to carefully design many factors. You can't just buy lots of workstations and hook them up - your speedup will be terrible. A big investment like this will require careful design and testing to ensure it works well.

Note that none of my comments above mention CFX. These factors are common for any software running on multiple cores, so the issue is not unique to CFX.
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Old   December 8, 2016, 18:33
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Originally Posted by ghorrocks View Post
.* But at around 8 to 16 cores on distributed parallel you will start to have scaling problems if you are using ethernet. You will need to consider high speed interconnects like infiniband.
Thanks Glenn - did you mean I would have scaling problem once the total # of cores on all distributed systems exceed 16, or 16 per computer?
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Old   December 9, 2016, 01:14
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Originally Posted by evan247 View Post
Thanks Glenn - did you mean I would have scaling problem once the total # of cores on all distributed systems exceed 16, or 16 per computer?
There is section 16.4 in CFX Modelling Guide with advices on using CFX in parallel.
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Old   December 9, 2016, 01:57
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Let me clarify: I would expect that a distributed parallel run, with 16 partitions (as either 16 nodes x 1 partition per node OR 8 nodes x 2 partitions per node) would start to slow down unless you have a high speed interconnect.

Or another way: I would expect a distributed parallel run with 8 partitions as 2 nodes with 4 partitions per node to start slowing down on ethernet as the network speed will be the bottleneck here.

Disclaimer: It has been a few years since I did parallel benchmarks so my rules of thumb might be a bit out of date.
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