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HELP NEEDED, PLEASE. How to restart a crashed sim without creating a new .dir file???

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Old   November 11, 2016, 12:16
Default HELP NEEDED, PLEASE. How to restart a crashed sim without creating a new .dir file???
Join Date: Feb 2015
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RobBanks is on a distinguished road
Hello everyone and anyone!

I was running a simulation pretty well, but it crashed during the night, maybe because it was using the CPU at its most and it couldn't handle it.

Anyways, my question is as follows: I have all the .trn files up to the last one saved and I would like to continue my sim's without creating another .dir, i.e. the sim's name is M2_007.dir and it has many .trn files, I want to use the last one to fulfill M2_007 until I get a "M2_007.res" file. Is that possible?

Until now, I only know how to use the last .trn to run a new sim, which would be "M2_008" I don't want to create a "008.dir, .res & .out", just finish the "M2_007" is there any way to do so?

I've been searching through old threads and one option would be to "Select solver input file as the last .trn" in the "Define Run" dialogue box, but I cannot change the "Solver Input File" item at the top of that box, I don't know why. It is just stating what that file is but does not let me change it as it is a "grey item". It doesn't lets me change it... If changing this item is the way to go, then how do I change it?

I've been searching through the internet and the "ANSYS Help" but I haven't found a satisfying answer.

Can anyone help me out with this, please?!?!?!

Thanks in advance for any of your helpful replies!!
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Old   November 11, 2016, 17:24
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Glenn Horrocks
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice
maybe because it was using the CPU at its most and it couldn't handle it.
In my experience quality workstations only crash due to high temperatures from high CPU load when something is wrong - maybe the CPU heatsink is gummed up with dust.

If you overclocked your workstation - well, that is why you don't run PCs with agressive overclocking

If you have a cheap workstation - there are so many things which could be wrong, CPU heatsink too small and/or not thermally connected to the CPU well enough etc etc. This is why you get quality workstations for simulation work.

Also: Most BIOS have a high temperature control of CPU speed. They throttle the CPU speed down when it gets too hot. Check this has been activated for your BIOS.
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Old   November 17, 2016, 05:07
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-Maxim- is on a distinguished road
I don't think this is possible. You should consider yourself lucky enough if CFX allows you to continue from a *.trn file - usually you need full backup files or result files to continue a simulation.
Why is it so important in the first place to have it in the same folder?
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