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Change a boundary condition based on simulation result and recompute the simulation

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Old   November 2, 2016, 05:07
Default Change a boundary condition based on simulation result and recompute the simulation
Robin Kamenicky
Join Date: Mar 2016
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Hello everyone,

I am dealing with heat transfer in a solid tube (Check attachement).

The thing is, that in tube occures boiling and so also HTC correlaions for computing HTC are changing.

What I want to do is to write following convective boundary condition depending on maximum temperature on the tube wall:
#Twi is initial temperature at tube wall
#Tonb is temperature at Onset of nucleate boiling point
#Tofdb is temperature at Onset of fully developed boiling point

IF Twi <= Tonb

IF Twi <= Tofdb
EXIT SIMULTATION "Temperature is too high"

#When simulation ends
IF abs((maxVal(Temperatue)@TubeWall)-Twi)>Twi/100
Do the whole simulation again
EXIT "Simulation was successful"

I know I can write a funtion with CEL and use if( cond_expr, true_expr, false_expr ) but is there a possibility to use WHILE LOOP and so iterate the simulation based on the simulation result?
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Old   March 7, 2017, 19:35
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Fabio Teixeira
Join Date: May 2016
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For the variable HTC you can use CEL creating a expression like HTC = if(Twi <= Tonb, HTC1, HTC2). Then you create stop condition on "Interrupt Control Conditions" (check this video

Finally, to do the simulation again you can use the expression maxVal(Temperatue)@TubeWall)-Twi as an Post output parameter and create a Workbench script to read the parameter and check the condition with a if statement. (if you don't know how to write a script file you can search on this forum other threads about it and do some test with recording a journal on WB File>Scripting>Record Journal).
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cel fortran cfx, fortran code, heat transfer, iterative update, solid body

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