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Calculate wall heat flux

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Old   March 17, 2016, 07:08
Default Calculate wall heat flux
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Join Date: Feb 2016
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leasken is on a distinguished road
Hi! I am a bit confused on how CFX calculates heat flux at the wall. Trying to model heat transfer in a smooth duct, steady state, SST, velocity and temperature inlet, pressure outlet, fixed temperature on the walls, Air Ideal Gas. In the theory guide, Modelling Flow Near the Wall 2.8.1, it is stated that

qw =( rho cp u* (Tw-Tf) )/ T+

where T+ = 2.12 ln (y*) + B for Scalable Wall Function, SWF
and T+ = Pr y* e^(-gamma) + [2.12 ln (y*) + B]e^(-1/gamma) for Automatic Wall Treatment/Function, AWT/AWF,

where gamma and B are functions of Pr and y*.

What is u* for AWF/AWT? What is y* for AWF/AWT? If the mesh is refined, y+<1, is CFX really using AWF/AWT? If CFX is not using AWF/AWT, how is then qw calculated?
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Old   March 24, 2016, 03:31
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Join Date: Feb 2011
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Antanas is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by leasken View Post
Hi! I am a bit confused on how CFX calculates heat flux at the wall. Trying to model heat transfer in a smooth duct, steady state, SST, velocity and temperature inlet, pressure outlet, fixed temperature on the walls, Air Ideal Gas. In the theory guide, Modelling Flow Near the Wall 2.8.1, it is stated that

qw =( rho cp u* (Tw-Tf) )/ T+

where T+ = 2.12 ln (y*) + B for Scalable Wall Function, SWF
and T+ = Pr y* e^(-gamma) + [2.12 ln (y*) + B]e^(-1/gamma) for Automatic Wall Treatment/Function, AWT/AWF,

where gamma and B are functions of Pr and y*.

What is u* for AWF/AWT? What is y* for AWF/AWT? If the mesh is refined, y+<1, is CFX really using AWF/AWT? If CFX is not using AWF/AWT, how is then qw calculated?
CFX always use AWT at least for eddy viscosity turbulence models. If model is not able to integrate directly to wall (like k-e) then Wall Functions is always used, in opposite case it depends on mesh (local y+) what approach will be used in particular point to obtain near wall velocity and temperature.
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