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Modifying CFD-Post macro to output a time-varying expression at every timestep

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Old   December 28, 2015, 16:19
Lightbulb Modifying CFD-Post macro to output a time-varying expression at every timestep
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Join Date: Dec 2015
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I am running a TBR case whose solution file contains multiple timesteps, similar to a conventional true transient simulation.

I want to output an expression that varies with time at every timestep. What I've attempted so far:
1) record a session where I load timestep=0, create a table ("Table 1"), in field A1 enter the current time ("Time"), in B1 enter the time-varying expression ("modalF" in the following text), save the table to a .csv file;
2) stop recording and modify the .cse file into a macro and impose a for loop on the timestep;
3) load the macro (pasted in the end of the thread).

This doesn't really work. The .csv file I got after running the macro has only one row with "Time" and "modalF" at the timstep=1 recorded at the first and second column.

I'm guessing my syntax on the table fields ("A$i" and "B$i") might be wrong, but I don't know what the correct syntax is or how to fix it.

Can somebody more experienced in CFD-Post macros please help? Thank you!!

# Session file started: 2015/12/28 14:23:18
# CFX-17.0 build 2015.09.01-23.36-134860

# To avoid unnecessary file pre-processing and modifications, include
# COMMAND FILE at the top of your session file.
# If it is not included, the file is assumed to be older and will be
# modified for backward compatibility.
CFX Post Version = 17.0

CASE: Case trnExactTT_s1r2_02_timestep60_noHarFor_005
Current Timestep = 0
Timestep Sampling = Uniform
Number of Timesteps = 240

!$start = 1;
!$finish = 5;
!for($i=$start,$i<=$finish,$i++) {
> load timestep=$i

TABLE:Table 1
A$i = "=Time", False, False, False, Left, True, 0, Font Name, 1|1, %13.7e,\
True, ffffff, 000000, True

TABLE:Table 1
B$i = "=modalF", False, False, False, Left, True, 0, Font Name, 1|1, \
%13.7e, True, ffffff, 000000, True

TABLE:Table 1
Export Table Only = True
Table Export HTML Title =
Table Export HTML Caption Position = Bottom
Table Export HTML Caption =
Table Export HTML Border Width = 1
Table Export HTML Cell Padding = 5
Table Export HTML Cell Spacing = 1
Table Export Lines = All
Table Export Trailing Separators = True
Table Export Separator = Tab

>table save=N:/tmp_cfx_projects/test.csv, \
name=Table 1


# Session file stopped: 2015/12/28 14:24:10
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