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Particle Impact Angle for Expressions in CFX

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Old   June 17, 2015, 20:28
Default Particle Impact Angle for Expressions in CFX
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I am modelling particles through a pipe. The particles are slamming into the wall thereby eroding it a little. However, after the impact CFX needs to calculate the new particle velocity (no break up of particles) which should be done for the specific wall in Boundary:Wall -> Fluid Values -> Particles -> Velocity -> Perpendicular and parallel coefficient of restitution. I would like to have the coefficients to be determined by a expression in CFX. Here comes my question: in the equation for the restitution coefficients the impact angle of the particle is included. However, I can not seam to find this particular variable any where in the Variables list of the Expressions menu. Do anyone know how to get this information (the particle impact angle) into the CFX Expression as a variable?

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cfx, impact angle, particles, restitution coefficients

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