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Export Mono/Di/Quadrupole acoustic sources fromCFX

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Old   January 30, 2015, 06:40
Default Export Mono/Di/Quadrupole acoustic sources fromCFX
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Sandor Sandor
Join Date: Jan 2015
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I would like to compare two designs from the acoustics point of view, I don’t want to evaluate the value of the SPL and the spectrum of the noise. I just want to compare the mono/di/quadrupole sources of the two designs.

I know that Fluent would be better choise for this because it is able to determine the far-field noise by using analogy model, but I have no experience with Fluent.

I want to run a transient simulation in CFX using SST and export the noice sources. I red in the Help that monopole sources can be exported in both of the steady-state and transient case, but dipoles only in the transient case.

But in transient case only acoustic dipole are available to be exported. Quadrupole is available in the form of Lighthill Stress, but monopole is not in the list of the variables which can be exported to a CGNS file.

Can anybody give me an advice how all of the three type of noise sources can be exported?

If I export a CGNS file at each time step, how can I sew them to one?

Can CGNS file import to the CFX-Post?

Thank you in advance!
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