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Run-time memory allocation error

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Old   November 19, 2014, 04:41
Default Run-time memory allocation error
New Member
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Beijing
Posts: 4
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aniseh is on a distinguished road

I am simulating gas mixture inside parallelepiped box, in the beginning the box contains helium gas, after 150 seconds air is injected to the box. transient analysis type is set and the geometry mesh number almost 500,000.

The problem is:
the solver stopped because of ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. |
| Message: |
| *** Run-time memory allocation error *** |
| Not enough free memory is currently available on the system. |
| Could not allocate requested memory - exiting!

I tried to decrease the solver memory aloc factor from 100% to 80%, but it is not worked.

My PC RAM is 2GB.

How to solve this problem?

| Job Information |

Run mode: serial run

Host computer: ANISEH-PC
Job started: Wed Nov 19 16:15:22 2014

| Memory Allocated for Run (Actual usage may be less) |

Data Type Kwords Words/Node Words/Elem Kbytes Bytes/Node

Real 249456.5 441.17 75.77 1948878.7 3529.38
Integer 83316.5 147.35 25.31 325454.9 589.39
Character 3586.2 6.34 1.09 3502.1 6.34
Logical 65.0 0.11 0.02 253.9 0.46
Double 8.0 0.01 0.00 62.5 0.11

| ERROR #001100279 has occurred in subroutine ErrAction. |
| Message: |
| *** Run-time memory allocation error *** |
| Not enough free memory is currently available on the system. |
| Could not allocate requested memory - exiting! |
| |
| |
| |

| An error has occurred in cfx5solve: |
| |
| The ANSYS CFX solver exited with return code 2. No results file |
| has been created. |

End of solution stage.

This run of the ANSYS CFX Solver has finished.
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Old   November 19, 2014, 05:32
Super Moderator
Glenn Horrocks
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice
This has nothing to do with the memory allocation factors. You have simply run out of memory. 2GB is not much memory and you will not be able to a very big simulation in that. And I suspect you are running the 32 bit version of the software as well, so that will restrict you also.
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