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CFX solver wait for license

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Old   October 31, 2014, 09:51
Default CFX solver wait for license
Senior Member
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Pauli is on a distinguished road
After sitting in a queue for a couple days, my CFX jobs failed to run because another user was using our only solve license.

Does anyone know how to make the CFX solver wait for a license?

I am remotely submitting jobs to a Windows HPCC 2008 machine using the CFX launcher & solve manager.

I tried searching the documentation. The only things I found seemed ANSYS specific. I have the environment variable ANSWAIT=1 set on my local computer & the cluster head node. That seems to work for ANSYS stuff.

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Old   November 1, 2014, 05:35
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Glenn Horrocks
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice
The easiest way to do queuing is to run a series of jobs in a batch file. When one finishes the next one starts so you are always using only one set of licenses. Of course this does not work very well when you are sharing across multiple users.

For multiple users the nicest option is to use a batch scheduling software like PSB, LSF or any of the others. They will usually need modification to include a call to the license server to check that licenses are available before starting a new job. You will have to write this yourself with open source software, but if you go with a commercial software they will have stuff available to do this with their software (ie: you get what you pay for)

Or if you are really handy with batch/shell scripting you can write your own batch/shell script which polls the license server and checks the necessary licenses are available and if not it waits. This is not an easy script to write, only consider this if you have extensive batch/shell scripting experience.
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