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DSDP_H and DSDP_T properties

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Old   July 17, 2014, 01:37
Default DSDP_H and DSDP_T properties
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Stephen Waite
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Hello, I'm simulating flow with a variable composition mixture with three components (air ideal gas, CO2 at STP and H2O) however when I go to run the simulation I get the following errors:

"The property DSDP_T is only present in some of the components of the mixture GasMixture"

"The property DSDP_H is only present in some of the components of the mixture GasMixture"

where GasMixture is the name of the variable composition mixture.

I'm unsure about how to change/set these DSDP_T and DSDP_H properties seeing all components of the gas mixture are defined in the CFX materials library.

Thanks in advance for your help.
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Old   July 17, 2014, 07:02
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Glenn Horrocks
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I suspect (but am not sure) that it is looking for ideal gas properties for the CO2 and H2O components. As CO2 and H2O are constant density fluids I would generate a constant density air component at the appropriate condition so all your components are constant density.
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cfx, dsdp_h, dsdp_t, multiple gas components, variablecompositionmix

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