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Molar fraction in CFX Pre expression

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Old   June 12, 2014, 19:21
Default Molar fraction in CFX Pre expression
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Join Date: Jun 2014
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Niekjuh is on a distinguished road
Hi all,

I'm currently busy with an expression for the chemical timescale (which i want to use in the Damkohler number).

In that expression I have to use the molar fraction of CH4 and O2.

Expression (allready filled in all the constants):

(2.21E-14)*e^(22659/T)*(CH4.Molar Fraction + 1.0E-12)^0.33*(O2.Molar Fraction + 1.0E-12)^(-1.05)

And I have this error:

Unrecognized system error.
An error was encountered while trying to resolve the name 'CH4.Molar Fraction' referenced by 't chem exp'.

Do I to specify something for CH4 and O2?

Thanks in advance.
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Old   June 13, 2014, 09:37
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I've fixed it by adding another material library.

I'm doing two analyses: one with the eddy dissipation model and one with the burning velocity model.

The BVM starts running without any errors but for the Eddy model I get this error after a few seconds:

| |
| The CFX expression language was evaluating: |
| Additional Variable Value |
| |
| The problem was: |
| |
| |
| The problem was encountered in executing the expression for: |
| t chem exp |
| The complete expression is: |
| 2.21e-14 [m^-2.160 mol^0.720 s]* exp(22659[K]/Temperature) * (m \|
| in(CH4.Molar Conc |
| The error occurs on sub-expression: |
| (min(O2.Molar Concentration ,1e-12 [mol m^-3]))^-1.05 |
| |
| |
| The error was detected at one location. The same problem may be |
| present at other locations - that has not been investigated. |
| The following values are for the first location which has the |
| problem. |
| |
| In this expression, these sub-expressions have been calculated: |
| |
| Sub-expression = Value |
| |
| 2.21e-14 [m^-2.160 mol^0.720 s]* exp(22659[K]/Temp= 0.00000 |
| |

Does someone knows what it means? Otherwise I'll just start without the expressions in CFX-pre and add them in post.

Last edited by Niekjuh; June 13, 2014 at 11:54.
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Old   June 13, 2014, 18:28
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Glenn Horrocks
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice
When you use empirical fits like this the units calculator goes bezerk. It cannot handle units like m^-2.16. I would adjust your equation so the calculation is done unitless so it can accept raising to non-integer powers.
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Old   July 14, 2016, 10:39
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Hey guys,

I had a similar error:

ERROR PROBLEM ENCOUNTERED WHEN EXECUTING CFX EXPRESSION LANGUAGE The CFX expression language was evaluating: Input from CFX-5 The problem was: INVALID-EXPONENTIATION FURTHER INFORMATION The problem was encountered in executing the expression for: HSOut The complete expression is: HIn+cpRef*tIn*((pOut/pIn)^((gamma-1)/gamma)-1) The error occurs on sub-expression: (pOut/pIn)^((gamma-1)/gamma) BACKGROUND INFORMATION In this expression, these sub-expressions have been calculated: Sub-expression = Value cpRef*tIn = 165221. These values were set before reaching the current expression: Name = Expression = Value tIn = massFlowAveAbs(Temperature)= 164.497 pOut = 1 [atm] + massFlowAveAbs(Pr= -50895.4 pIn = 1 [atm] + massFlowAveAbs(Pr= 117734. gamma = 1.40000 cpRef = massFlowAveAbs(Specific Hea= 1004.40 HIn = massFlowAveAbs(Static Entha= -134241. END OF DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT FOR CFX EXPRESSION LANGUAGE

Any thoughts?

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Old   July 14, 2016, 20:11
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Glenn Horrocks
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice
All I can suggest is to break the equation up. It does not like the exponent, so define it as a separate variable and check it is the value you expect.
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