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Can't continue a run "Error message number: 001100279"

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Old   June 5, 2014, 04:49
Unhappy Can't continue a run "Error message number: 001100279"
New Member
Véronique Penin
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Lyon, France
Posts: 21
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Veronique Pe is on a distinguished road

I'm working on CFX 15.0

My job run 250 iterations as asked without any problem, and I'll try to make 100 iterations more to have a converged run.

In CFX-pre I only change in "solver control/basic setting/max iteration" from 250 to 100.
Then I launch CFX solver (by right click on "solution" in the workbench window), and click on "start run"
The new run doesn't work. I obtain the following message in the CFX solver window (and in CFX_002.out file) :
" An error has occurred in cfx5solve: |
| |
| Cannot create working file cfx5_001.ini
No such file or directory"
+================================================= ===================+
| ****** PROBLEM REPORT ****** |
| Subsystem: Input and Output |
| Subroutine name: ErrAction |
| Severity level: Fatal Error |
| Error message number: 001100279 |
| Message: |
| |
| REDHDR: locating dataset failed: what=G/NAMEMAP where=EVERY |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
+================================================= ===================+
WARNING: CFXSTP, Regression check error.

| An error has occurred in cfx5solve: |
| |
| Error interpolating results onto the new mesh: |
| J:\Logiciels_IS_64\Ansys_15.0\ANSYS |
| Inc\v150\CFX\bin\winnt-amd64\solver-pcmpi.exe exited with return |
| code 1. |

I think I have no problem with computer memories (RAM = 8 Go, disk space > 50 Go)

Can you help me to fix my problem, and can you explain to me step by step how to continue my calculation?


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Old   June 5, 2014, 18:58
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evcelica is on a distinguished road
Save your project.
Open Solver Manager and define your run from there using the "Continue from previous run (If possible)" option as initial conditions.
If that doesn't work, try explicitly specifying your previous results (.res) file as the initial conditions.
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Old   June 6, 2014, 04:10
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Véronique Penin
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Lyon, France
Posts: 21
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Veronique Pe is on a distinguished road
In fact, I had some problem with VMWare (Windows 7), and CFX couldn't read the folder.
I keep in mind your idea.

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cfx, run, solver

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