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Real Gas table generation

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Old   April 29, 2014, 02:50
Default Real Gas table generation
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 105
Rep Power: 15
omidiut is on a distinguished road
Hi all
i have usual problem when i simulate real gas flow, peng-robinson or RK model.
this problem is " temperature and absolute pressure table range".
for some absolute and pressure range solver diverged and return errors like:

Newtons method failed to converge in 100 iterations. This |
| occurred while computing the following variable: |
| |
| Variable Name : Total Temperature |
| Location Name : NOZZLE |
| Mesh location : VERTICES |
| Mesh entity : |
| Last 3 Changes : 1.73755E+01 1.71344E+01 1.70618E+01 |
| Tolerance : 1.0000E-02 |
| |
| The Newton iteration was either slowly converging or has stalled. |
| The solver will continue with the variable set as it was on the |
| final iteration. If this situation continues you might try |
| increasing the number of iterations allowed for Newtons method. |
| This can be changed by setting one of the parameters: |
| |
| Temperature : "Constitutive Relation Iteration Limit" |
| Pressure : "Newton Pressure Iteration Limit" |
| |
| for your mixture using the definition file editor. |

i generate this range by try and error! is there any relation for set this ranges?

Best regards
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Old   April 29, 2014, 04:38
Super Moderator
Glenn Horrocks
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice
These sort of errors are common with complex equations of state. You need to improve your simulation's numerical stability. You can do this by:
* Better mesh quality
* Better initial conditions
* double precision numerics
* smaller time steps
* lower order differencing in space and/or time (this one will reduce the accuracy of your simulation)
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