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Initialization Additional Variables for time integration

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Old   January 23, 2014, 04:44
Default Time integration
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Join Date: Dec 2013
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HLo is on a distinguished road
Hello Atze,
I did some experiments as well, comparison of integration with: A) an additional variable and B) with a fortran function in both transient and steady state runs. The fortran routine implements trapezoidal rule and takes account of timestep length.

transient, constant and varying timestep lenghts:
both solutions do their work but with "slightly" different results
A) the very first integrated value of a quantity q is calculated as: q0 + q*dt1 (q0 is initial value dt1 is 1st timestep length)
B) the fortran implemetation uses trapezoidal rule so gives 1/2*(q+q0)*dt1
-this main deviation is kept the entire simulation if one doesn't supply a "dummy" initial value q0
-minor deviations appear but these may be explained this way:
fortran gives 1 output value for 1 input quantity, whereas the AV solution uses a volume integral or mean value over a output quantity with spatial and/or numerical "noise" inside

steady state:
-the deviations found in transient are the same
-the result gives a reasonable integration value, if physical timesteps are chosen
- On automatic timesteps a "false timestep" is used, but there is no way to access it from fortran, so I expect the compensated (see conclusion) AV solution to be of advantage, not beeing sure how the intgrated value has to be interpreted, when no "real" time value is given

If one consideres to post process the integrated quantity in CFX-Post an AV ist needed anyway, one might prefer the AV solution, with an initial value which is minus one half of the expected quantity times 1st timestep: -0.5*q*dt1.
Unfortunately the initial value cannot be expressions, so a value has to be calculated in advance.
Both solutions give good results in transient runs, steady state runs need further investigations and considerations how the results have to be interpreted
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loop, time integral, wall condesation model

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