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Exporting Particle Data

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Old   June 19, 2013, 07:39
Default Exporting Particle Data
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Hi everyone,

I am quite new to CFX, especially multiphase flows so I am sorry if my questions may be a little newbie like

I am currently working on a multiphase flow simulation with Ansys CFX 14 where I am simulating a free jet flow in which particles (solids) are injected. These particles stay solid, so no phase-change needs to be considered. Furthermore I am using velocity, pressure and temperature distribution of a gas (Argon) from a previous simulation as inlet data.

The Geometry is like a diverging cylinder where the particles are injected rectangular to the gas. The "end" of the cylinder (only 120° of it and using symmetry in Post) is defined as a wall with coefficients of restitution = 0. So the gas is redirected by the wall in radial direction and leaving the domain into the environment (Air) and the particles "stick" to the wall. The particle size is defined using a normal distribution.

My goal is to create an output file (preferred Excel or txt) in which the particle data is saved. More detailed I am interested in the particle properties (temperature, diameter, speed, and position for each particle) at a plane about 1 inch upstream of the wall. So I want that the data of each particle that passes this plane is saved to a file.

How do I attain this?

So far the Simulation works and the steady state results are good compared to an experiment I found in the literature. I can view the particle temperatures and velocities using the particle track function but so far I didn’t find a way to create a table with the needed particle data of each particle that passed the interested location.

The reason I need this is that the data is afterwards exported and used in a c++ Model that works with txt or Excel files as input.

In advance thanks for any ideas!

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Old   June 19, 2013, 20:17
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Glenn Horrocks
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice
Have you tried File/export in CFD-Post?
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Old   June 20, 2013, 04:36
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thanks for that push, Itried that before but I defined a plane and tried to export the particle data for this plane...oh what a suprise it didn't work

after reading your post I had a look again and choose the I have an excel file with the whole tracking data...but I will write a makro for excel that deletes the positions I won't need.

Once more the solution was too easy to actually find it

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Old   October 3, 2014, 13:01
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cvh is on a distinguished road
Hi prX411;

I am facing the same problem that you initially described, i.e. I am interested in the average particle diameter in the plane at a constant stream-wise location. However if I export the data along the particle tracks, the diameters along each particle track are reported at different streamwise locations. So that makes it difficult to extract the average diameter at a particular location. Have you or anyone else faced this problem? If so, I'd appreciate any tips on solving this problem.

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Old   April 3, 2018, 13:00
Default Particle Trajectory CFX Help
Suman Sapkota
Join Date: Feb 2018
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Looking at this thread, I think it is the right one to ask question to my problem. I am simulating a pump flow and I wanted to know the velocity of impact of the particles on the blade. My question is: If I specify the particle number in cfx post processing, doesn't it calculate the same particle trajectory for all the particles? I checked on the '.csv' result file and pt1.trk file and the data in their seems to me it is of 1 particle trajectory. Correct me if I am wrong. How do we get information of all the particle trajectory in terms of their numbers?
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