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SST turbulence with Gamma theta and Boussinesq model

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Old   June 10, 2013, 11:16
Default SST turbulence with Gamma theta and Boussinesq model
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Dear all
I am doing heat transfer problem. The flow is horizontal ( Z direction) and pulsatile in nature.

If I turned on the buoyancy option, what is happening in the heat transfer? ( I believe that cfx solver solves convection heat transfer)

(Also please clarify in my case
what shall I put the values in gravity x direction , y direction and z direction?( I am thinking to put z direction gravity =0 and I don't know y and x direction components? I am so confusing x directional gravity -9.8m/s^2 or y component gravity -9.8 m/s^2).

If I turned off buoyancy, what is happening in the heat transfer? ( is it conduction heat transfer? )
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Old   June 10, 2013, 23:17
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Glenn Horrocks
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Yes, CFX solves convection heat transfer.

Convection heat transfer is of two main forms: Natural convection where the flow is being driven by the density difference in the flow - you need gravity turned on to model this, and a fluid where density is a function of temperature (or a body force in proportion to temperature). Forced convection is where an externally driven flow causes heated fluid to be removed from a hot surface - you do not need gravity for this convection heat transfer.
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Old   June 11, 2013, 01:46
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Originally Posted by ghorrocks View Post
Yes, CFX solves convection heat transfer.

Convection heat transfer is of two main forms: Natural convection where the flow is being driven by the density difference in the flow - you need gravity turned on to model this, and a fluid where density is a function of temperature (or a body force in proportion to temperature). Forced convection is where an externally driven flow causes heated fluid to be removed from a hot surface - you do not need gravity for this convection heat transfer.

Thank you so much

Is the CHT availbale in the tutorial convection heat transfer?

Thank you
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