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Simulation of fog clouds due to ambient air vaporizers.

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Old   April 24, 2013, 02:43
Default Simulation of fog clouds due to ambient air vaporizers.
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Yoonsub Eom
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nextdaydie is on a distinguished road
I'd like to ask somequestions about fog clouds in CFX.

I'm trying to make fog clouds aorund vaporizers by using CFX

In that reference paper, he did it using Star CCM and there are no detailed sources about it so it is hard to try using CFX.

he said he used User Define Function to implement the phase chang between water vapor and fog droplets, as defined by the psychrometric model equations.

how can I use UDF about the psychrometric model equations?
Should I make two or three fluids such as vapor, air and water....

Could you please give me some advices about it?

I can send you that paper if you want.

help me..
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Old   April 24, 2013, 08:34
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Glenn Horrocks
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice
This is a complex model, so do not underestimate it.

To do this model you are going to have to set up a number of careful phase interactions. This may well not need a UDF like Star needs, you may well be able to do it entirely in the GUI. But I am not sure on this, you will have to check for yourself.

I recommend you do all the tutorials in CFX especially the multiphase ones, and then some training on the CFX multiphase models. The course I attended years ago was a very good introduction to the CFX multiphase models.

As for whether this is a 2 or 3 fluid model - there are many approaches and either can work. But they all have their own subtle issues to resolve. So unless you can work out the differences between modelling this as a 2 or 3 phase model yourself you do not have a hope in getting this model working. Sorry for being blunt, but it is the truth.
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fog, vaporizaers

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