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Call CFX from MATLAB

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Old   December 25, 2012, 15:49
Default Call CFX from MATLAB
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alikhube is on a distinguished road
Hi everyone
I want to call CFX from matlab to solve the shape that was meshed. what's the comment and setting on cfx and matlab???

and in other case assume I meshed an airfoil, I want to move the point of it to create an other airfoil, can I set a setting at cfx to moved the mesh for new airfoil that don't need to take time for remeshing???

thank everyone for attention
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Old   December 26, 2012, 06:02
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Glenn Horrocks
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First of all - please do not duplicate post. You have started a new thread with your question so there is no need to post it again on other threads. I have deleted the duplicate post.

If your first question is asking how to call CFX from matlab to solve a shape you have meshed - that is easy, just use the command line cfx5solve from matlab and it will run. You will probably have to send it through CFX-Pre to import the mesh, but that be scripted with a session file so this can be automated from the command line too.

If you want to make minor modifications to a geometry and run it again the best way is to generate a new mesh and to interpolate the old results onto the new one as an initial condition.
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Old   December 27, 2012, 05:28
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alikhube is on a distinguished road
I'm sorry.I think that could send my question to more people because of my hurry less of time.I wouldn't threat this again

Assume I saved projects until mesh step in different names (from 1 to 150) and I want to call this 150 meshes to matlab. Please help me and write the command loop for this problem.

Is it possible to set one solving setting to solve all meshes or must set for any projects???

Thank for your attention
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Old   December 27, 2012, 06:58
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Have you generated 150 meshes in Matlab and want to run CFX simulations on all of them?
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Old   December 27, 2012, 10:14
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alikhube is on a distinguished road
for first step and tentative I meshed 10 airfoil in cfx.
I meshed my airfoils in cfx and are saved on my desktop for call step of my algorithm in matlab.
What's the comment in matlab for call this 10 meshes (for tentative) and solve it and at the end call post process???

Thank you

Last edited by alikhube; January 2, 2013 at 14:35.
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Old   December 28, 2012, 05:29
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice
I have not idea what the matlab calls are, ask matlab support for that.

But for CFX it sounds like you should call the cfx5solve command which allows running CFX from the command line. This will start the run, and if it completes generate the output files.
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Old   December 29, 2012, 07:29
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alikhube is on a distinguished road
I want to run this 150 meshes in CFX , and I am beginner in it

please help me and explain step-by-step instructions for set solves setting and then run this 150 mesh by one run in cfx or fortran or matlab , in better word serially run and get post-process.
I have cfx 13

Thank you Glenn Horrocks
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Old   December 30, 2012, 07:35
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I am not going to write step by step instructions for you, I am a busy man. If you need that much help maybe you should contact CFX support - that's why you pay them for technical support.

But in short:
* "cfx5solve" is the command line to run a CFX simulation.
* Matlab will have a command to run stuff fro mthe command line somewhere. I am not a Matlab expert so I have no idea what it is.
* Then write a matlab program which calls the cfx5solve command to do the simulations.
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