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Interfacing without a duct in CFX

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Old   October 15, 2012, 13:04
Question Interfacing without a duct in CFX
Kisorthman Vimalakanthan
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 49
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I was wondering if anyone has successfully interfaced two different mesh regions, that are far apart from each other for their steady simulation in CFX.

I want the flow entering (A) to be exiting at (B) (please see the attachment). I could model this using a duct going from (A) to (B), but I do not want to do that.

I have tried the following and failed :

General connection interface (no intersection permit checked):
1. None - gives out negative volume/element error
2. Frozen rotor interface - gives out negative volume/element error
3. Translational periodicity - asks for the faces (A and B) to be parallel, which are not.

Any help in this matter is greatly appreciated,
Thank you,
Kind regards,
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Kisorthman Vimalakanthan
Dept. of Power and Propulsion
Cranfield University
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Old   October 15, 2012, 18:29
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Glenn Horrocks
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No, you cannot connect these regions with an interface.

I see two options:
1) connect the two regions with a meshed region. So you can control the flow resistance along it I would consider making it a porous region.
2) Define A as a pressure opening and B as a velocity boundary. Make the velocity at B a function of the pressure difference to get the right flow rate. Maybe make A a massflow inlet and then it is easier to get the mass conservation correct.
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