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Modelling natural convection process

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Old   December 5, 2024, 14:59
Default Modelling natural convection process
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Abhishek Kumar
Join Date: Dec 2024
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Hey all,
I have been assigned a project which is to calculate nusselt number and Rayleigh number in natural convection process when air is passed through a heated vertical tube.
Project description is :
A brass tube, vertically placed, is heated by a heater. Due to this heating air inside the tube gets heated and the resulting process is a convection process. And I have to plot nusselt number vs Rayleigh number for different types of inlets of tubes but all tube are vertically placed.

My first doubt is to which type of solver should I proceed with, pressure or density based solver. And if pressure based solver then which type of algorithm should I use ( SIMPLE, SIMPLEC, PRESTO, etc.).

I have selected the transient mode and since it is a gravity dependent flow so I had provided gravity value also.

I have selected SST k-omega model with viscous heating and low re corrections and the air density is given by boussinessq equation.

In this model air at inlet is at zero velocity and the outlet is assumed to be pressure outlet and the outer surface of the tube is heated by providing the heat flux.

So can you help me out in this and if possible errors are made by me in selecting some irrelevant or wrong options please help me in correcting it.
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Originally Posted by Abhishek 12 View Post
Hey all,
I have been assigned a project which is to calculate nusselt number and Rayleigh number in natural convection process when air is passed through a heated vertical tube.
Project description is :
A brass tube, vertically placed, is heated by a heater. Due to this heating air inside the tube gets heated and the resulting process is a convection process. And I have to plot nusselt number vs Rayleigh number for different types of inlets of tubes but all tube are vertically placed.

My first doubt is to which type of solver should I proceed with, pressure or density based solver. And if pressure based solver then which type of algorithm should I use ( SIMPLE, SIMPLEC, PRESTO, etc.).

I have selected the transient mode and since it is a gravity dependent flow so I had provided gravity value also.

I have selected SST k-omega model with viscous heating and low re corrections and the air density is given by boussinessq equation.

In this model air at inlet is at zero velocity and the outlet is assumed to be pressure outlet and the outer surface of the tube is heated by providing the heat flux.

So can you help me out in this and if possible errors are made by me in selecting some irrelevant or wrong options please help me in correcting it.
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