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Ansys Fluent Freelancer Needed - a student's project.

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Old   December 5, 2018, 03:35
Default Ansys Fluent Freelancer Needed - a student's project.
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Join Date: Sep 2018
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Legolas is on a distinguished road
Dear Freelancers,

I am a student in a University. I am currently struggling with Ansys Fluent which is my final project that determines if i graduate or not. However, I have tried to do it myself and came to a point that I could not find any help from anyone anymore. Therefore, I am here to seek professionals help.

This Ansys Fluent project is about particles trajectory in a small office room. With a low velocity inlet flow and an outlet at the ceiling.

It is basically a test of the novel enhanced displacement ventilation.

I have 3 weeks before my presentation and I am not half done. Hope to hear from anyone that has knowledge in this field and is willing to help me out. Thanks.
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Old   December 7, 2018, 19:03
Default I can help you
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Burhan Ibrar
Join Date: Dec 2018
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burhanibrar is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by Legolas View Post
Dear Freelancers,

I am a student in a University. I am currently struggling with Ansys Fluent which is my final project that determines if i graduate or not. However, I have tried to do it myself and came to a point that I could not find any help from anyone anymore. Therefore, I am here to seek professionals help.

This Ansys Fluent project is about particles trajectory in a small office room. With a low velocity inlet flow and an outlet at the ceiling.

It is basically a test of the novel enhanced displacement ventilation.

I have 3 weeks before my presentation and I am not half done. Hope to hear from anyone that has knowledge in this field and is willing to help me out. Thanks.
I can help you if you want but for that you should give me the details and what type of particles are you studying. For further discussion you can contact me through my e-mail. Thank you
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ansys, displacement, enhanced, fluent, hvac

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