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General question about SST turbulence model

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Old   December 4, 2015, 14:49
Default General question about SST turbulence model
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Richard Renaud
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I have a general question about when it is beneficial to use an SST turbulence model.

I've been reading up on turbulence lately. Prior to this recent study, I had a habit of using the SST turbulence model without checking the y-plus of my grid. For example, I used SST when modelling a cylindrical feed well with a tangential inlet pipe that contains baffles. Since there are baffles perpendicular to the flow, separation is likely to occur and I thought that SST would be a good choice to model this. However, I checked my mesh and my y-plus is on the order of 100!

I am wondering, as a general question, does SST offer any advantages over a standard k-ε model when the boundary layer is not well refined. If it is computationally infeasible for me to refine the boundary layer with a y+ of 1, would you recommend that I stick with the SST model anyways? Or does the SST model offer no benefits over a k-ε model when the mesh refinement in the boundary layer is insufficient?

Richard Renaud
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Old   December 19, 2015, 05:13
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Syed Aaquib Hazari
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Dear Richard,

If you're planning to use a grid with a large yplus of the order of 100 I suggest that you should use k-e model.
Only if your yplus is less than 2 (it can extend till 4) you should use the SST or k-w model.

At a wall gradients are steep and basically the SST and k-w model directly solve the equations at the grid cells. While k-e uses wall functions to solve the gradients hence less computationally expensive.

Furthermore, SST is a combination of k-w and k-e.

Good luck!
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