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OpenFOAM Case Setup Needed

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Old   March 18, 2013, 16:18
Default OpenFOAM Case Setup Needed
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Mark L
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I have some CFD experience and I'm a relative newcomer to OpenFOAM. I need some help setting up a case for a simulation I need done. I need to model flow between two rotating disks. The exact geometry will be varied as part of my study. The flow should be viscous, steady state, single phase and no-slip boundary conditions on the disks.

I have attempted to write my own FD code, but the cylindrical coordinates have stumped me. I'm not sure which OpenFOAM solver is the correct one to use and how to set up the files.

In addition to the flow/pressure fields, I need to know the torque on the disks as well as the total flow between the disks and delta P from the inlet to the outlet. I'm pretty sure this is available from OpenFOAM, but again, I'm not familiar enough to set it up.

Initially, I'd like to do this for incompressible flow. At some point, I may also need compressible flow.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you!
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Old   April 10, 2013, 14:25
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mahendra is on a distinguished road
Hello Mark,

Could you elaborate on the case in detail or write to me at ""

I hope OpenFOAM can be useful for your case.


Originally Posted by mpl View Post
I have some CFD experience and I'm a relative newcomer to OpenFOAM. I need some help setting up a case for a simulation I need done. I need to model flow between two rotating disks. The exact geometry will be varied as part of my study. The flow should be viscous, steady state, single phase and no-slip boundary conditions on the disks.

I have attempted to write my own FD code, but the cylindrical coordinates have stumped me. I'm not sure which OpenFOAM solver is the correct one to use and how to set up the files.

In addition to the flow/pressure fields, I need to know the torque on the disks as well as the total flow between the disks and delta P from the inlet to the outlet. I'm pretty sure this is available from OpenFOAM, but again, I'm not familiar enough to set it up.

Initially, I'd like to do this for incompressible flow. At some point, I may also need compressible flow.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you!
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Old   July 25, 2013, 04:04
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HiTech CFD offers consulting services that apply to various spectrum of CFD analysis. Before starting your CFD Analysis project we create CAD geometry and develop an excellent quality mesh representation.

We are done many project for CFD modeling. We are happy to do your project. For more information and discuss more details, Please contact us or visit our CFD services
HiTech CFD - CFD Analysis Services Provider.
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Old   September 5, 2013, 10:06
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Originally Posted by mpl View Post
I have some CFD experience and I'm a relative newcomer to OpenFOAM. I need some help setting up a case for a simulation I need done. I need to model flow between two rotating disks. The exact geometry will be varied as part of my study. The flow should be viscous, steady state, single phase and no-slip boundary conditions on the disks.

I have attempted to write my own FD code, but the cylindrical coordinates have stumped me. I'm not sure which OpenFOAM solver is the correct one to use and how to set up the files.

In addition to the flow/pressure fields, I need to know the torque on the disks as well as the total flow between the disks and delta P from the inlet to the outlet. I'm pretty sure this is available from OpenFOAM, but again, I'm not familiar enough to set it up.

Initially, I'd like to do this for incompressible flow. At some point, I may also need compressible flow.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you!
Hello Mark,
I have comprehensive hands on experience working on OpenFOAM and implementing variant bounday conditions. Previously I had simulated multi-region CFD cases with heat transfer and buoyancy driven turbulent flows.
If you are still looking for someone who can work for you then I would like to offer my OpenFOAM expertise in this regard.
If you have inquiry or want share your project details you can write to me at

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Old   October 10, 2013, 17:14
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lordvon is on a distinguished road
Hello Mark,
I may be a little late, but do you still need help with this? It sounds very easy. Most of my work in OpenFOAM has been with multiple rotating zones with AMI (arbitrary mesh interface), and using incompressible solvers. I have experience in custom solid body motion functions to customize the transient rotation behavior. Of course, your application may not even require AMI, but something simpler such as rotatingWallVelocity.
I also use shell scripts extensively to create new cases quickly when doing parametric studies (i.e. varying geometry) and quickly extract and interpret performance data.
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case setup, openfoam 2.1.x

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