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libOpenSMOKE - Making it work once again with OpenFOAM

Posted April 14, 2012 at 06:43 by wyldckat
Updated April 21, 2012 at 09:33 by wyldckat (updated current status)

The other day Tobi asked for my help on building
After looking at the code and doing some trial and error, basing myself also on Tobi's already collected information, I managed to get it built/working with OpenFOAM 1.7.x, 2.0.x and 2.1.x.

And since the original page only provided a rarball (on Linux?) of the source code, I decided to use my github account to harbor the original code along...
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Posted in wyldckat@github
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ParaView 3.12.0 SuperBuild on OpenFOAM

Posted January 21, 2012 at 20:39 by wyldckat
Updated July 26, 2015 at 16:14 by wyldckat (r2 released. Revision made in May 26th 2013.)

<-- Related issues to ParaView with OpenFOAM - Fixes and solutions

Beginning with ParaView 3.12.0, a new method for building every single package that ParaView needs can be done via "SuperBuild", which is a sub-folder in the ParaView source code structure. The idea is simple:
  1. Run:
    or similar, such as ccmake or cmake-qt-gui.
  2. Choose the "ParaVIew-3.12.0/SuperBuild" folder as the source code and pick some other folder as the folder for the building
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Running OpenFOAM in parallel with different locations for each process

Posted December 15, 2011 at 17:56 by wyldckat

The other day a fellow forum user asked me for help about a problem dealing with the specific configuration of a case for running in a cluster. The specific configuration was simple: each slave machine of the cluster has it's own independent storage address on a similar path.
Below is an edited version of the reply I sent him.

OK, first detail - In the following file you have a (sort-of) well documented "decomposeParDict":
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Rating: 2 votes, 5.00 average.

Building OpenFOAM 2.0.1 on old Linux OSes - test case Ubuntu 8.04

Posted October 17, 2011 at 18:49 by wyldckat
Updated February 8, 2012 at 17:41 by wyldckat

This blog post will try to detail and complement the OpenFOAM 2.0.1 building process on old machines, where my test case was with two Ubuntu 8.04 - one i686 and one x86_64 - in two separate virtual machines with 1.6GiB of RAM and 4 processors each.

This post will detail a lot more information than the official instructions, specially because the official instructions are meant for Linux OSes that are modern'ish, such as Ubuntu 10.04 and above.

NOTE: 2011-02-08 - finally...
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Blog about my forks at github for the repositories OpenFOAM and ThirdParty

Posted September 17, 2011 at 06:36 by wyldckat
Updated February 2, 2013 at 06:44 by wyldckat

Note: This blog post will be edited whenever more details come to life.

A bit of an introduction:
I started my experience at github by forking the ThirdParty-2.0.x repository back in 12th of August of 2011. The objective was to create a branch named get-em which would possess modifications for a simple package manager for OpenFOAM's ThirdParty folder, to then be posted as a proposition for a feature request at OpenFOAM's bug tracker. This was not requested by any of the OpenFOAM...
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