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What I've done in the past years and may need someone else to pick it back up

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What I've done in the past years and may need someone else to pick it back up

Posted August 18, 2020 at 18:11 by wyldckat
Updated August 22, 2020 at 07:13 by wyldckat

This is a blog post aimed to pass on the baton of the work I've done in the past to anyone who wants to pick it back up partially or completely, which I was still doing (or trying to do) until Hanging my volunteer gloves and moving to a new phase of my life.

This blog post could potentially be edited as time goes on and I remember about things I've done in the past and which should be picked up by someone else:
  1. Generating version template pages and logos for said versions at - this is explained here: and here
  2. Writing and testing installation instructions at - The objective was to ensure that the less knowledgeable user would still be able to compile+install OpenFOAM from source code with a much higher success rate, than following the succinct instructions available at the official websites.
  3. Updating the release version links at the top right-most corner of
  4. Uh... several other things listed at, mostly listed here:
  5. Contributing to bug reports and fixes at
  6. Moderator work here at the forum, including:
    1. Hunting down spam, which nowadays is mostly automated, but not fully automated.
    2. Moving threads to the correct sub-forums.
    3. Re-arranging forums to make it easier for people to ask and answer questions, as well as finding existing answers.
    4. Warning forum members when they've not followed the rules...
    5. I wanted to have pruned all of the threads on the main OpenFOAM forum and place them in their correct sub-forums, but never got around to it. There is a thread on the moderator forum that explains how to streamline the process.
    6. I wanted to have finished moving posts into independent threads out of this still large thread: Waves2Foam Related Topics
    7. Also out of this one: Support thread for "Solid Mechanics Solvers added to OpenFOAM Extend"
  7. Had a list of posts/threads I wanted to look into... which is now written on this wiki page on my central repository for these kinds of notes: What I wanted to still have done for the OpenFOAM community, but never managed to find the time for it
  8. And had a list of bugs I wanted to solve: Bugs on OpenFOAM's bug tracker I wanted to tackle, but never managed to find the time for it
  9. I have over 50 repositories at - most of them related to OpenFOAM and which will be left as-is for the years to come. If you want to continue working on them and even take over maintenance, open an issue on the respective repository.
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