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A semi-analytical extension of the Reichardt wall law to pressure gradient effects

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A semi-analytical extension of the Reichardt wall law to pressure gradient effects

Posted April 17, 2015 at 08:40 by sbaffini
Updated December 21, 2016 at 10:07 by sbaffini

I recently worked on wall functions, especially those based on simplified 1D numerical integration (e.g., and i found a relatively simple, analytical, formulation that takes into account pressure gradient effects.

In practice, this is an extension of the Reichardt wall law to pressure gradient effects.

It is semi-analytical because it takes as assumption that the base Reichardt law is an exact solution of the 1D problem (which is not true).

While this might certainly be material for a paper (every work i am aware of uses numerical integration to solve the 1D problem; this, in particular, requires solving a tridiagonal system for every near wall cell), i honestly don't have time for this (life is too short to be spent in review).

Hence, here it is the work: a description in the pdf file and a matlab/octave comparison script in the txt file. If you ever worked on wall function you should fastly get to the point.
Otherwise, i'm open to discussion.
Attached Files
File Type: pdf wallf.pdf (36.5 KB, 560 views)
File Type: txt wallfn.txt (1.2 KB, 397 views)
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