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Debugger Insight from red hat linux

Posted April 21, 2009 at 19:11 by vivekcfd

As a code developer, one must need a powerful debugger to really go into a huge code. I have this experience from my old university days where we used to have a debugger from sun microsystems (I dont remember the name) and later gnu debugger ddd+gdb. At that time I was not that happy with ddd as it was not that powerful as the sun debugger.

Now I started working on OpenFoam where one needs to understand a part of the code if one wants to implement new models. And there you go, here...
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My Master Thesis

Posted April 17, 2009 at 09:47 by Rui
Updated September 1, 2010 at 19:30 by Rui

My Master Thesis "Numerical Simulation of the Filling and Curing Stages in Reaction Injection Moulding, using CFX" is available on the Donated Texts page , or, in a better pdf quality (6.1MB), from

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Wind Tunnels and CFD

Posted April 9, 2009 at 10:41 by gocarts
Updated April 9, 2009 at 10:43 by gocarts (Embedded image)

To many observers the rivalry between wind tunnels and CFD is a zero-sum game - as CFD matures it simply replaces wind tunnels. However, this is far from the truth. Often you'll find wind tunnels and CFD used together in a symbiotic process where one technique fills in knowledge gaps left by the other.

Boeing F/A-18 Hornet Wind Tunnel Model
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CAx info blog

Posted April 5, 2009 at 10:46 by 7islands

Now that a user can have a blog on the CFD-Online forum, I thought I would try to write two or three entries of my blog, which I have written somewhere else in Japanese for about 2+ years, in English from now on and would see if they are of any use to people here. The blog is mainly about new releases of open source CAx softwares, plus a bit of information gatherd on their respective mailing lists, forums or sites.

New release: VisIt 1.11.2. Besides, there are several interesting materials...
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The End of Clusters?

Posted March 30, 2009 at 21:58 by gocarts

Are we approaching the end of cluster computing for CFD? Or is it simply the end of the beginning of an era to be further dominated by clusters?

The premise is that a collection of computers (a cluster) can process data in parallel much faster and more cost effectively than a single standalone computer. Until recently clusters were the only viable means to compute large CFD simulations for engineering applications, such as those found in Formula 1.

Now we have available...
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